We all love it when people pull our cheeks and say us chubby. But deep down we know that it is not chubby cheeks, it is the face fat. When we click a selfie and we get to see our double chin, it makes us disheartened and we lose our confidence. Getting rid of face fat is not a very difficult task. Just like there are exercises for making our body toned and slim, similarly, we also have face exercises to lose weight in your face.
Losing fat from one part of the body is not possible, we need to incorporate all types of exercises together to get the overall perfect body.
But just by doing some exercises can we lose our face fat? No, every exercise is backed up diet and lifestyle change. Doing all these three things together gives you the fastest and effective result.
Trabeauli has brought to you some different and effective ways to get rid of face fat instantly.
Check out the blog-
Face Yoga Exercise for Glowing Skin
This might be new for many people. But just like there are exercises for making biceps, for shoulder, and for legs, etc. Similarly, some facial exercises help to lose face weight instantly. Check out the exercises-
1. Fish Face:

Fish face helps to tone and stretch the face muscles. It makes the face look slimmer and the cheeks less flabby.
How to perform-
- Suck your cheeks and lips inwards the way fish does.
- Now, with that pose try to smile.
- You will feel a slight burn in your cheeks and jaws.
- Relax and repeat the exercise at least 5 times.
2. Locked Tongue Pose:
It is also called as Jiva Bandha Pose. This helps to shape your jawline and also tones the facial muscles.
How to perform-
- Sit comfortably in the lotus position or cross seated posture.
- Put your hands on the lap.
- Now touch the tip of your tongue on the upper surface of your mouth.
- With this position, try to open your mouth.
- You will feel a stretch in your throat and neck.
- Repeat the process a couple of times.
3. Mouthwash Technique:
This is one simple exercise and we have been doing it for many years. But never did we realized that this is one way to lose the face fat. Mouthwash technique helps to tone the cheeks and also removes the double chin.
How to perform-
- Fill your mouth with air.
- Now transfer the air from one cheek to another, just like you do with water
- Continue this for a few minutes
- Repeat it a couple of times.
4. Neck Roll:
Rolling your neck is an effective way to get rid of a double chin. It makes your jawline perfect and also tones the chin. It helps in removing any sagginess and wrinkles from the skin
How to perform-
- Sit comfortably with your head facing forward.
- Now, bend your head towards the left side by keeping your chin in line.
- Move your head in a circular motion.
- Make sure your spine is straight and your shoulders are down.
- Rotate the neck in both clockwise and anti-clockwise directions.
5. Eye Focus:
This helps in making your eyebrows smooth and it also relaxes the eyes.
How to perform-
- Open your eyes wide open.
- Make sure your eyebrows are not wrinkled.
- Try to focus on one distant point.
- Hold this position for at least 10 seconds.
- Repeat it five times a week.
6. Chewing Gum:
A exercise which we never realized is good for our face muscle, while actually eating chewing gum. Chewing gum exercise helps to make the jaw move and reduce the fat from the face. It reduces the double chin and makes the face look slimmer.
How to perform-
Just try to eat chewing gum for about 15-20 minutes a day. Make sure the chewing gum is sugar-free.
7. Cheek Lift:
For all those who want to have a perfect jawline, this exercise is a must for you. It helps in reducing the fat by toning your muscles and making you look younger.
How to perform-
- Sit comfortably with your spine straight.
- Smile as wide as you can.
- Place the index and middle finger on your cheeks.
- Lift the cheeks up with the help of fingers.
- Hold it for few seconds and relax
- Repeat it at least 5 times.
8. Jaw Release:
Jaw release gives your cheekbones and jawline a perfect and attractive shape. It reduces the double chin and stretches the muscles around lips, jaws, and cheeks.
How to perform-
- Sit comfortably with your spine straight.
- Move your jaw as if you are eating something with your mouth closed.
- Breathe while doing so.
- Now open your mouth as wide as possible with your tongue placed on the lower teeth.
- Hold it for a few seconds, and also try to stretch the muscles.
9. Chin Lock:
Also called as Jalandhar Bandha, it shapes your face and tones the facial muscles. This is a very good and effective exercise to get rid of a double chin.
How to perform-
- Sit in a lotus position comfortably
- Breathe deeply
- Bring your chest bone towards the chin
- Make sure your hands are on the legs
- Bring your head in a forward and downward direction to touch the neck.
- Hold the position for few seconds.
10. Simha Mudra (Lion Pose):
This is a very good facial exercise, it helps to detoxify the face and makes it slimmer and also tones it. It stimulates the facial muscles and is the best exercise for the thyroid gland in the neck area.
How to perform-
- Sit on your knees and hands like a lion.
- Your head in the front.
- Now breathe deeply and pull out your tongue with your eye wide open.
- Breathe from the mouth, by making a sound from your throat which replicates the roar of a lion.
- Repeat the exercise a couple of times.
11. Lip Pull:
Lip pull tones your facial muscles and give your cheekbones a lift. It makes you look younger and gives you a prominent jawline.
How to perform-
- Sit comfortably with your spine straight.
- Lift your lower lip as much as you can by pushing your lower jaw out.
- You will feel a stretch in your chin muscles and jawline.
- Hold the position for few seconds.
12. Blowing Air:
Blowing air in the mouth works for both facial and neck muscles. It tones the cheeks muscles and helps in reducing the double chin.
How to perform-
- Sit properly with your spine straight.
- Tilt your head backward, so that you can see the ceiling.
- Pull out your lips and blow air towards the ceiling.
- Do this for 10 seconds and then relax.
13. X-O Exercise:
This is one fun way to reduce the fat from the face and also get a perfect jawline. Yes, no kisses, just saying X and O helps to increase the blood circulation and also makes you feel relaxed.
How to perform-
- Sit properly with your spine straight.
- Now, try to say words X and O with your mouth wide open
- Make sure you feel stretch at the jaw area.
- Do this 10 times a day.
All the above facial exercises should be completed in 15-20 minutes. Doing this more time will strain the face muscles. But all the above exercises are effective to remove the face fat instantly.
The above facial exercises help to reduce weight to a certain extent. You also need to incorporate it with other exercises like gym, power yoga or a dance class. Physical exercises are very important for everyone. It keeps us mentally calm and composed, boosts our memory and also increases our immune power.
14. Practice cardio exercise:
Cardio exercises keeps our body up and running. Apart from facial exercises, you also should practice cardio, in order to be healthy and lose fat. You can perform normal cardio exercises with low, moderate and high intensity. Performing higher intensity cardio makes us lose more weight.
Cardio exercises are not directly related to face fat, but it helps in burning the fat.
15 . Eat healthily:
No exercise works if you do not eat healthily. Avoiding refined carbs and having more protein intake diet, helps us to lose weight. Do not skip any meals, having small and frequent meals do not let fat accumulation in the body.
Eliminate the foods that cause bloating. Check if your diet includes the following things-
- Dairy products
- Cabbage
- Beans
- Sprouts
- Cauliflower
- Onions
16. Drink more water:
Drinking more water or staying hydrated flushes out the toxins from the body and makes it healthy. Water also makes us feel fuller and it helps in reducing the total amount of calorie consumption. Thus, drinking enough water in a day will contribute to losing weight from the face.
17. Avoid alcohol consumption:
Alcohol consumption causes dehydration in the body, it prompts the body to consume more water. Water retention may make the face appear bloated and puffy. Alcohol also contributes to the empty calories, without giving any nutritional benefits. It suppresses the hormones which makes us feel full, and which results in more eating, hence weight gain.
18. Sleep early:
Getting proper sleep, is one important way to lose weight. Having a proper sleep schedule helps you lose face fat. According to experts, not getting proper sleep affects the hormonal balance in the body, which leads to weight gain. Not having proper sleep, makes us eat more, which leads to weight gain.
- Make your bedroom cozy and dark in order to have a proper uninterrupted sleep.
- You can have a proper sleep, if you limit your caffeine consumption, also shut off your mobile screens 30 minutes before you are going to sleep.
Doing so will help you sleep better and will instantly reduce the face fat.
19. Reduce salt intake:
Many of you might find it strange, that how reducing sodium intake can make us lose face fat. Excess of sodium intake is bloating and it may contribute to facial puffiness and swelling. Sodium causes your body to hold extra water, which results in fluid retention.
All the processed foods which we eat contain 77% of sodium intake, so cutting on those foods will be an effective way to reduce sodium intake.
So, these are some of the ways in which you can lose weight in your face your body. Remember getting rid of fat from a body part, is very difficult it will take time but doing the above steps will give you permanent results.
Do share in the comment, how did you like the blog and the tips?
- How long does it take to reduce the fat from the face?
The best thing about facial exercise is, you can do it any time of the day. Keep performing the exercise in the morning and evening and you will notice the results soon.
- How can I lose weight from my face fastly?
If you wish to lose the fat from face fastly, you should try three things regularly: drink more water, eat healthy food and exercise regularly. Doing these three things for a month will give you a fast result.
- Is looking puffy and face the fat same thing? How can I differentiate?
No, puffy face and face fat are both different things. To notice if you have fat accumulation or not, limit your sodium and sugar intake for a week to zero and notice the difference.
- Can I do Face Yoga more than once a day?
Doing face yoga twice a day is recommended i.e. in the evening and morning. But if you keep doing it throughout the day it will tense your face muscle and can cause pain. Face yoga should be done for only 10-15 minutes. This is good enough to make your face soft, glowing and healthy.
- What is the quickest way to lose weight from the face?
Removing fat from the body is a slow and ongoing process. You need to do regular exercise, have a healthy diet and also need to change a little of your lifestyle (like less salt intake, drink more water and sleep properly).
Doing all these things for at least two weeks continuously will make you look for a positive change. This is the only quickest way to lose weight from the face.
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