Welcome to the second most famous festival celebrated all over the World. Christmas festival of winter and Celebration of the New Year. We all love Santa and its Stories. Decorating Christmas tree, getting gifts, Santa Costume and Snow all things make a Perfect Christmas Celebration.
But, since every country is different with their own tradition. Christmas is also celebrated in a unique way around the world.
TraBeauLi brings the tradition of some of the countries the way they celebrate the Christmas.
1 Best Christmas Celebration in the USA:

Christmas here is celebrated in a very different way. Every part has there own tradition, which they follow. Santa roaming around can be seen here. Some people decorate the Christmas tree with popcorn threaded on the string. People also go to Church with their family and light candles. Towns and cities decorate the streets with lights to celebrate Christmas.
In Hawaii, Santa is called “Kanakaloka” A popular food at Christmas in Southwest USA is tamales.
In the South of Louisiana, people on this Eve, where Santa is called “Papa Noel” they light up the leaves near Mississippi river so that Santa can find his way.
2. Christmas Celebration in India:

As compared to the whole world, Christmas here is celebrated at a small level. As the Christian population here is very small, India having the culture of Unity in Diversity. This festival is celebrated here. We can witness a great celebration in Goa and Mumbai, where Christians are 26%. Christmas is celebrated in a very simple manner here; Church is decorated with Poinsettia flower and candle. The whole family visits the church, giving each other gifts.
3. Norway Christmas Celebration: –

Until 1000 or 1100, Christmas was not celebrated in Norway, and then when Christianity came into existence they started celebrating it. There’s a tradition here, which is a little strange. There happens to be no cleaning on Christmas Eve, unlike other places. The people here hide all their brooms, in case witches or evil spirits take them away. Another tradition, which started in World War 2, is the big Christmas tree, which Norway gives to the UK every year as the gesture of Thank You for helping them in the War.
4. Christmas in Germany : –

We all have heard a story to hide a wish in the sock and hang them outside the window to receive the gift. Here in Germany, they hide a small pickle in the Christmas tree and the first child to find it receives a gift from them. Christmas is the main day for them when they exchange presents. Here the song sung is “Frohe Weihnachten”. It is also well known for its Christmas Markets, where we can get all types of Christmas food and decorations.
5. Japan: –
Japan has started celebrating Christmas just a few decades ago. As there were not many Christians to celebrate it. Still, this festival is not that hyped as it is around the world. People of Japan celebrate it to spread happiness and exchange presents. It’s not of a religious celebration. We all know Red is the color of Christmas, and almost all decoration involves color Red in it. But here it is a little different. In Japan, Red is considered to be the color of Funeral Announcement. So, they send White cards to friends and family.
6. Christmas Celebration at Finland: –
The whole world celebrates the festivals with their near and dear ones. Finnish people give tribute to their dead ones. They light candles at the grave making the whole graveyard look beautiful. People from all over the World send Christmas letters to Santa Claus in Finland, as they all believe Father Christmas lives here. In Finland, Santa is also known as “Joulupukki” (Christmas Goat”).
There’s a story for it: – There happens to be a Yule Goat in Finland, who always used to ask for the gift, but never gave one. Slowly Slowly, the goat became a gift giver and then it was taken over by Santa so “Christmas Goat”.
7. South Africa: –
This is one place where Christmas comes in summer. As South Africa lies in Southern Hemisphere, when Christmas arrives it has got a lot of Sun and Flowers. This is like Halloween for South Africa. There’s a story for it, which is being told on every Christmas to children. The Story of Danny, who ate all the cookies made by his grandmother for Santa and the angry grandmother killed Danny, and it is said that his spirit haunts the home.
In Africans “Merry Christmas” means “ Geseende Kersfees” and Santa Claus is known as “Sinterklaas & Kersvader”.
8. Brazil: –
Christmas time in Brazil is in summers, so this makes the weather very hot during the eve, People go to Beach for celebration. Brazilian people follow Portuguese Tradition as Brazil was ruled by Portugal. Here, Santa is called as “Papai Noel” & “Bom Velhinho” (Good old man). “Noite Feliz” is the popular song sung here during Christmas.
During Christmas time, people here get a salary twice in December month, to increase the economy during Christmas.
9. Christmas Celebration in the UK: –
The UK or Great Britain, the place where Christmas is celebrated with a family get together so that everyone can see their presents and can decorate the tree together. Holly, Ivy, and Mistletoe are sometimes used to decorate homes or other buildings. The whole city is lighted up making it look beautiful. Oxford Street of London is very famous for the Christmas lightings. Here, people eat their special meal i.e. Turkey, roast vegetables at lunchtime or an afternoon. People here always wait for it to snow and make it a White Christmas, which happens very rare, as it doesn’t snow very often.
After reading all the traditions, tell us which one you like the best. Enjoy this Christmas trying something new.
Give Happiness and Spread Smile all around. Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas!
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This is so interesting! I never thought about how different countries would take on different celebrations! This is informative and an awesome read!
Thanks for the comment.