Dhanwantharam Thailam is an oil mostly medicated to treat specific problems. You can take it orally or externally. It is beneficial for diseases like paralysis, rheumatoid arthritis, hemiplegia, spondylosis, and neuromuscular conditions. The effects of this oil are more apparent in pain and numbness. You can also use dhanwantharam thailam for diseases like urinary disorders, hernia, and children’s diseases.

Some of the benefits of dhanwantharam thailam include:
- Used to treat osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, neck pain, and back pain
- Also beneficial to treat neurological conditions such as paralysis and facial palsy.
- You can use it post-viral when there is pain in the body due to the fever.
- Shoulder dislocation pain
- You can use it for intercostal neuropathy.
- Bursitis
Benefits of using dhanwantharam thailam for internal diseases include:
- Facial paralysis
- Hemiplegia
- Muscular weakness
- Tissue wasting
- Endometriosis
- Hernia
- Muscular pains
- Backache
- Rheumatoid diseases
- Uterine atony
- Spondylosis
- Quadriplegia
External use of this oil is the most popular in Ayurveda. It gives a relaxing feeling and gives a sense of relief. the oil helps to tones muscles and improves strengths. It is recommended to use this oil for massage in the following diseases:
- Muscular weakness
- Hemiplegia
- Quadriplegia
- Knee pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Muscular pain
- Backache
When you apply this oil on your feet, make sure to massage it in thoroughly so the oil gets absorbed. Before you start walking, make sure to wipe your feet with a cloth, so you don’t slip with slippery feet. It is better if you only use it externally and once every week for a massage. If you plan to take it orally, take 5- 20 drops once or twice a day before your meals with warm water or milk.
Side Effects
There are no side effects of this oil if used moderately. However, if you use it in a high dose, for example, 5 ml, it can cause indigestion, discomfort in your abdomen, and belching with the oil’s taste.
Pregnancy and Lactation
Pregnancy is emotionally and physically very hard on a woman. From the seventh of your pregnancy, a mother might start experiencing dryness and itchiness in their bodies. These symptoms are often accompanied by generally feeling low or fatigue.
Pregnancy and lactation might lead to the women feeling mild to severe mood swings.
Massaging with this oil also prevents stretch marks and helps to keep the elasticity of the skin intact. Gently massage your skin with this oil to get rid of dryness, itchiness, pain, and tiredness, which pregnancy usually accompanies.
Uses During Pregnancy
Using this oil during pregnancy has some practical benefits. Use this oil from the seventh month of your pregnancy and massage daily for 10 to 15 minutes. You will see the following advantages below:
Prevents Hormonal Irregularity
Wild asparagus, liquorice, Indian ginseng, and Himalayan cedar all uplift and regulate the woman’s hormonal cycle. Since all these are present in this oil, it helps increase fertility in women. It also helps in keeping the woman active after birth and reduces postpartum depression.
Reduces Stress and Anxiety
Stress hormones can decrease with massage, according to Ayurveda. Massage with regular oil also helps in the release of happy hormones. Since the oil is based on sesame oil, it reduces anxiety, absent-mindedness, and jitteriness associated with pregnancy. The oil also provides healing from exhaustion, uterine prolapse, and weakened pelvic muscles.
Prevents Stretch Marks and Dark Patches
The lubricating substance in this oil found in sesame oil keeps the skin hydrated and keeps the itchiness and flakiness at bay. It improves skin elasticity and therefore prevents stretch marks. The sesame-based oil also reduces dark patches around the nose, forehead, and abdomen caused by hormonal changes in the pregnancy.
Helps in Childbirth
Tagar, which is present in dhanwantharam thailam, acts as a nerve tonic. Gentle massage with it, ensuring that the skin absorbs all the properties of all the oil. It soothes any anxiety related to childbirth and acts as a calming oil to relax and prepare you for delivery.
Pain Reliever
In the last trimester of pregnancy, women often face body pains and aches. The oil has Indian Madder and Winter Cherry, which helps to reduce any inflammation in the body. It works as an anti-inflammation and pain reliever.
Dhanwantharam thailam oil is beneficial and helps reduce many problems associated with any pain in your body. Make sure to use this oil daily; if you cannot use it daily, try to use it twice a week for a relieved and happy body free from all pain types. Your head is the main piece of your body which has fundamental energy focuses that associate with the psyche and mind. Ayurvedic head rubbing methods or murdha taila rejuvenate your three higher ‘chakras’ – body, psyche, and soul, while carrying equilibrium to your centre organic powers, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, which control different parts of your wellbeing.
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