How To Lose Weight 10 Pounds At Home In a Month

weight lose 10 pounds in a month

Whether you are a youngster, teenager, employee or a parent, you are concerned about Weight lose 10 pounds. Being overweight is really a big problem. It does not only increase the risk of leading health issues but also weakens our self-esteem.

Trust me, losing or maintaining a healthy weight is not a difficult task as many of us think, rather it’s just as simple as anything. You just need dedication and a desire to be healthy. You can easily maintain and reduce your weight by these simple weight loss tips at your home.

You need not spend a lot on your gym membership, Zumba, yoga classes or any other fitness class. You just follow certain dos and don’ts along with weight loss without exercise to get a toned and healthy body with no expense and extra efforts.

10 ways to Weight lose 10 pounds in a month:


Here is some natural tips weight loss without exercise to be followed :

1. Detox Drink for Weight Loss and Clear Skin:

There are plenty of ways to make a detox drink for your body. It is great for cleansing your body of toxins, reducing upper body weight, digestive issues, nausea, bloating and other health issues. It boosts your immune and gives your enormous energy to work throughout the day.

Here are a few common ‘homemade weight loss detox drinks‘ and strengthen your immune:

  • Mix half cucumber, half lemon, a piece of ginger, a spoon of freshly chopped coriander blend everything with a half glass water, strain and drink every day on empty stomach in the morning.


  • Take a glass of water to add little Dalchini powder and a piece of ginger boil it and drink it as a morning tea.


  • You can also take green tea in the morning.


  • Take 1 ltr. Glass jug put some lemon slices keep it overnight and drink the next day whenever you are thirsty. You can replace lemon with apple, cucumber, orange and can make a combination of ingredients of your choice for some change.


  • For best results drink it every day and remember to make a fresh drink for every day. You can also cool it down in the fridge but for better results drink it at room temperature.

2. Do Exercise Regularly-

Do the exercise for at least 15-20 mins every day to reduce your weight and for a healthy lifestyle. You can do either yoga, aerobics, Zumba or any kind of work out of your choice. Here 100 reasons to make an exercise habit.

3. Daily Walking  –


Walking is another way to keep yourself away from increasing weight. Half an hour walk or jogging can keep you healthy, calm and strengthen your immune.

4. Add Proteins and Fibres in Your Diet –

For reducing weight the best way is to have food rich in protein ( eggs, lentils, sprouts, fish, chicken, yoghurt, cheese etc) and fibres (whole grain, range, brown rice, brown bread, fruits, vegetables, dry fruits, nuts, porridge, beans).

Some amazing blood purifying foods listed here. Healthy Foods for healthy skin.


5. Drink Water For Weight Loss-

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is the best way to keep yourself hydrated, remove body toxins and to reduce weight. You must drink at least 2-3 litres of water every day.  See more benefits of water.

6. Say No Sugar –

image source-Bella and Bhakti

Avoid added sugar as it increases the chances of getting fat. It is just like an addiction, initially, you may be having a craving but gradually you will be in the habit.

7. Avoid  Refined Carbs –

Refined Carbs adds to increasing calories. White bread, white rice, snacks, pastries, cold-drinks, sodas, packed food, fried food, chocolates, food with artificial sugars etc).

8. Eating Smaller Portions:

image source-Magical Health

It has been noticed that a person who eats in small plate eat less as compared to the one with a large plate. Also, have your meal in parts. Divide your three meals into six meals. Always eat slowly so that you can chew your food properly and eat in the limit. This will help in reducing weight.

Know More- Live a more positive life

9. Unhealthy to Healthy Replacement –

Try to replace your unhealthy snack with a healthy one. Always pick fruits or something healthy when you feel hungry at odd times.

Know More- Healthy Habits For successful People

10. Serving of Fruits, Vegetables and Soups –

Image source-Aayu Care

Remember to take a serving of fruits and vegetables. Eat fruits rich in fibres and leafy vegetables. Taking soup can work best as it is filling and full of nutrients.

You can replace the use of potato by a raw banana. Eat papaya it helps in digestion and reduces weight.

Conclusion TO lose 10 pounds in a month –

                                  Remember Health is Wealth!

In order to stay fit, healthy, and energetically keep these weights lose tips on your fingertips. Try to follow these easy tips at home for reducing weight and lose 10 pounds in a month.

Share this with your friends and family so that they can include these things in their routine to stay healthy and fit.

Let me know your thoughts down below in comments and share your own weight loss tips to lose 10 pounds in a month and tricks for a healthy life.

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Arpita Dubey: I am Arpita Dubey. I have done my MBA in marketing and international business. Later, I always wanted to try something of my own, where I have the flexibility to work and also the work interests me. That is when I started writing Content, I like to research and write content which is helpful for readers and also engages them. A mommy of a daughter, I took up the content writing as my full time job and I am loving it.

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