No one likes to be overweight. Excess weight brings lots of problems with it. But in this pandemic situation, where we cannot go out for a free walk or cannot go to the gym for a workout. Weight loss has become an important topic. Being fit and healthy is the key to long living and is also the demand of this Covid-19 situation. You won’t believe but the best weight loss exercises at home gained their searches since the starting of this year.
Trabeauli has brought to you some of the workout and yoga asanas, that you can do to shed some of the pounds. Check out the blog-
Best Home Exercise for Weight Loss
Some of the common weight loss exercises at home which you can do at home, and lose some calories to be fit.
1. Walk for Weight Loss:
Walking is one of the best exercises when it comes to weight loss. It is very easy and convenient to walk. Walking is a low-impact exercise, which does not impact the joints of the body. Walking for a minimum of 30 minutes at a normal pace will help you lose a lot of calories.
If you are suffering from obesity, then walking for 50-70 minutes 3 times a week is very effective. Walking is very easy. You can walk after lunchtime, you can walk while on call, walking in the evening is also good, take stairs instead of the elevator.
So, you don’t have to buy any equipment and you can even start walking right now.
2. Running for Weight Loss:
Jogging or running is another great way to stay fit and lose some weight. It is not necessary to go outside to run or jog, you can even do on the spot jogging or can jog on the terrace. Jogging or running helps to burn visceral fat, which is very harmful. This fat gets wrapped around joints and internal organs and can cause any type of heart disease and diabetes.
Running or jogging at a slow pace and then gradually increasing it, is good to lose the calories. You can start by jogging for 20-30 minutes, 3 days a week.
3. Yoga Poses: weight loss exercises at home
Many people prefer yoga, instead of HIIT. Yoga is also effective in weight loss. It also helps to increase stamina and relieve you stress. There are many yoga poses, which help to burn calories and fat and also offer many other health benefits.
Performing yoga in the open air helps to give your mind a fresh feeling. It keeps you mentally and physically fit.
4. Rope Jumping for Weight Loss:
Just like old times, rope jumping is a very effective exercise for weight loss and also for gaining height. It helps to burn a lot of calories and keep you fit and healthy. Jumping rope is a full-body workout, it helps to increase your body balance and also pump up your heart and lungs.
There are many different styles of rope jumping, and any style can help you lose some calories. Start slowly by jumping for 60 seconds, you can jump any way you like two feet, one foot, or alternate skip.
5. Kickboxing for Weight Loss:
Kickboxing requires a little stamina. So, never start your workout with just kickboxing. Warm-up first and then move on to kickboxing. Kickboxing works on your core muscles especially legs and obliques. It also helps to pump up your heart and lungs. Its reduce flabby arm fat.
How to perform-
- You just need something to kick
- Now, with full force, you will have to kick the boxing
- With full force and coordination, kick with both hands and legs
Kickboxing is a perfect example of a mind that meets muscle exercise.
6. Burpees for Weight Loss:
Burpees require a lot of energy and stamina. It is a full-body workout move, which focuses mainly on the lose upper body, lower body, and core muscle all at the same time. It is a proper calorie burner, which helps in weight loss. But perform burpees, only after a proper warm-up. This High-Intensity Interval Training Burpee one-minute workout can burn around 10-20 calories.
How to perform-
- Stand easily on the ground.
- Now, go back into a squat position with hands on the ground
- Your legs should be bent and in front of your feet
- Now, the third position is the plank position
- Throwback your legs back and get into a plank position
- From plank position, come back to the second position
- With full force and energy, jump in the air
- Start again with the first position.
7. Squat for Weight Loss:
Worried about fat around your thighs and butts? Do not worry, squat is the best way to get rid of them. Squat engages your lower body and your core muscle. It is the best exercise to burn the fat around the thighs and glutes. If you are inspired by the body of bodybuilders and athletes, they all perform squats.
How to perform-
- Start with your legs hip-width apart
- Arms on either side holding the weight
- If not, clasp the arms in the front
- Bend your knees and go down like you are sitting in the chair
- Your thighs should be parallel to the ground
- Your knees should be in line with your toes.
8. Mountain Climbers for Weight Loss:
Another excellent exercise to burn fat and calories. This exercise targets your obliques, butt, and hamstrings. It helps in the full-body workout, an effective exercise to burn calories and lose fat.
How to perform-
- Start with a plank position
- Now, move your right knee towards the chest, without raising hips and right foot should not touch the floor.
- Place the right foot again at the initial position
- Now, bring the left foot in the front, the same as you did with the right foot.
9. Cycling for Weight Loss:
Cycling is the best exercise to reduce belly fat, you can have fun and burn calories also side by side. There are many people, who prefer to go to the office by cycling, this keeps them fit and healthy. Although since childhood, we have done cycling outside you can also buy cycling equipment and do it at home.
It has been researched, people who cycle daily have a lower risk of heart disease and cancer.
10. Swimming:
Who said exercise cannot be fun? Ever tried swimming, yes, swimming is the best exercise for your overall body. It burns fat, trim inches, and help you get stronger and healthier. Daily swimming can burn up to 500-700 calories an hour. It is a very effective form of weight loss and body toning. This exercise engages your abdominals, arms, legs, hips, and glutes.
So, if you feel the above exercises are not fun, go ahead for swimming you will surely love it.
11. Crunches for Weight Loss:
If your fat is deposited in the abdominal area. Crunches are the best way to lose weight. It is the best exercise when it comes to abdominal fat and strengthening the core muscles.
How to perform-
- Lie back on your floor comfortably
- Your hands should be behind your neck
- Your legs should be bent from the knee
- Now by giving support to your neck
- Lift your shoulder off the ground
- You will feel strain around your abdominal area
- Go back to a normal position.
Have you ever tried the Mediterranean Diet Plan for Weight loss?
So, if you are thinking I am talking about something insane, I am not. The Mediterranean diet is a customizable diet plan according to your food choice and also according to your daily activity. The diet consists of regions of traditional fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, olive oil, seafood, and dairy products. The exciting thing this diet also consists a glass or two of red wine. Losing weight or staying fit does not mean you have to eat tasteless food.
Mediterranean diet has changed the whole concept of dieting for weight loss. It is more than just eating delicious wholesome food though. Mediterranean diet helps to boost your mood and mental health also. It is a deep appreciation for healthy eating and delicious food. It is an inexpensive way to lead a long and healthy life.
How it works-
- Just click on the below link and fill the simple questionnaire.
- A questionnaire about your choices of food.
- After you are done, they will send you a customizable plan on your email.
So, no more waiting for getting fit and healthy, just click on the below link.
Natural Tips for Weight Loss
Apart from the above exercises to do, some of the tips for weight loss are-
- Drink a lot of water
- Never skip meals
- Eat a healthy and king-size breakfast
- Keep yourself hydrated
- Avoid junk and oily food
- Burn more calories than your intake
- Consume soluble fiber food
- Cut back on your carbs, and sugar
- Eat more of protein, fats, and vegetables
- Avoid packaged food and drinks
- Eat slowly
- Get a good quality of sleep.
So, these are some of the ways in which you can do weight loss exercises at home. Losing weight is not very difficult, just a little change in your routine and you will lose those extra pounds very soon. But always remember exercise and diet go hand in hand.
How do you lose weight?
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