5 Meditations To Help You Destress During The Holiday

As you will know yourself, life can be quite a stressful thing to go through. Our days are often full of challenges we had never previously considered, and we spend more time battling the unknown than the known. Worst of all? When we get some time to ourselves, we spend all of our ‘free’ time stressing out over everything!

This can become quite stressful, to say the least! If that is what is happening to you, then you might wish to consider meditation. For a lot of people, meditation is the ideal way to help de-stress. It’s a good way to make sure that you use your holidays to do what you were supposed to – unwind and relax.

If you find it hard to make the time to do this yourself, though, you might find some support through meditation.

Here, then, are five of the best types of meditation that you could use during the holiday season. As discussed by hcg injections, this will help you to calm down, to find a sense of self and to become a bit more comfortable mentally. Over time, it might just be what you need to become more comfortable with who you are, and what you have achieved in life so far.

It might not be for everyone, but if you are sick of your holidays being ruined by stress then try it out. The following types of meditation and benefits of meditations practices, then, should really come to the fore to make sure you can enjoy your time off rather than simply endure it.

1. Mindfulness Meditation

The best place to start for most people who are new to the art of meditation is to practice mindfulness meditation. It is easily one of the best places for you to begin with, and can really be a source of inspiration for some. It’s all about trying to shut down the angry voice inside your head, and instead allow you to keep a more calm, serene mindset throughout the day.

One of the main reasons why we recommend that you try this out is quite simple: it can help you to become more in the moment. Instead of worrying about the future or fretting over the past, you simply live in the moment. When we cut ourselves from the ‘what if’ we can do great things with our time during the day.

Mindfulness meditation is just about helping you to live in the only reality that matters: now.

2. Gratitude Meditation

In life, it’s easy to lose gratitude for the things we have and develop a greedy attitude towards what we lack. When you do this, though, you lose appreciation for the wealth that you already have. With the help of gratitude meditation, you can stop this problem from developing. You will be much more likely to maintain a level of gratitude for the good things in life.

This is a form of meditation most commonly recommended for those who are suffering from stress. If you spend some time looking at all that you do have instead of what you don’t have, you can become far more mentally clear.

It’s quite easy to do; you simply need to relax and think about all the good things that brought you to this holiday that you are on in the first place. That’s a decent place to start – but what else can you think of in your mind that you can be thankful for?

3. Deep Sleep Meditation

While the name might be misleading, you are definitely awake when you take part in deep sleep meditation.

During this process, you will simply become lost in your mind and allow yourself to feel as if you are in a deep sleep. To do this, you need to understand that the difference here is that while you are awake, you are in a state of relaxation which can be more calming and restorative than a deep sleep itself.

Simply try and focus on one single thing – the same as most of us do as we try to get to sleep at night. Focus on that one single object – it could be a physical object in front of you or something in your mind. Repeat this over and over, and before long you’ll start to drift off into a deep, sleep-like state of thought.

Don’t allow yourself to snap out of it, though: just keep going with the flow, and you’ll start to feel the benefits of doing so.

4. Breath-Awareness Meditation

One of the most powerful forms of meditation to try out, though, is that of breath-awareness meditation. For many meditators, this is one of the best places for you to start off with. It’s quite easy to do, and all that you need to do is find a quiet, comfortable and relaxing place to sit. When you do so, simply shut your eyes and allow the day to become a bit more relaxed.

Start focusing on your breathing more than anything else, just watching for the inhale and exhale. Before long, your mind will be so focused on the breathing that all the background noise that was annoying you throughout the day will stop. It allows you to simply cut down on the tension that you feel mentally and simply focus on what really matters.

5. Spring Equinox Guided Meditation

As we build towards the Spring Equinox on June 22nd, you should look to try and use some time to think about this. Simply put your hands on your chest and concentrate. Start breathing slowly, taking in deep breathes. If you keep doing this for long enough, you’ll start to feel yourself relaxing and slowly moving towards a more open-minded way of thinking.

It’s great for giving you a way to just relax and to appreciate the beauty of spring and summer.

This form of meditation has become quite popular with people who are looking to enjoy the warmer weather, too.

Simply relax, allow yourself to become lost in the quietness of your mind. By simply relaxing and thinking about the beauty of nature and its rebirth after the autumn and winter:

it’s a good way to reset the mind and find some inner peace.

Hope you enjoyed this blog types of meditation and its benefits. Please share your experience with us!

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