13 Daily Secrets for a Naturally Glowing Skin

We all want naturally glowing and healthy skin. In this pandemic time, where it is impossible to go to the salon, all we are left is with homemade face masks. I agree that DIY face masks make our skin glowing. But do you know the activities we do daily also sums up to glowing skin? I have brought to you 13 daily secrets for naturally glowing skin. These secrets are just the daily routine thing, which affects our skin.

I understand that with all the household chores and office work, you rarely get time to look after your skin. So, let’s just try to inculcate the following things in our daily routine, once they are in your lifestyle, you will notice a change in your skin.

Check out the secrets for a glowing skin-

13 Secrets for Glowing Skin

1. Early to Bed and Early to Rise-

Finally, the teachings of our elders are coming back to us again. Your parents (mine even) have always told you that it is a good habit of early to bed and early to rise.

Apart from making you healthy, this habit will give you fairer looking, toned skin. Sleeping late at night increases the inflammatory cells in our body, which damages our skin.

Therefore, it is very necessary to follow a good skin care routine to keep your skin rejuvenated.

2. Exfoliate-

Exfoliation is good, but over-exfoliation may cause harm to your skin. Skin exfoliation once or twice a week is nice, it helps to get rid of dead skin cells and give you a clear looking skin. Exfoliation helps to unclog the skin pores, and give you a glowing skin.

3. Do not mix Foods-

A very important point, which our generation people do not understand. We never think twice before eating anything or making any food combination. Food is a good medicine, but wrong combination of food can turn into poison.

  • Milk and Fruit- Never have milk and fruit together. Fruit gets digested quickly, while milk takes time to digest. When both are eaten together, they curdle up and forms acidity.
  • Ghee and Honey- Ghee lowers our body temperature while honey heats it up. And this can cause an imbalance.

4. Keep yourself hydrated-

The best way to keep yourself fit, healthy and active- Stay hydrated. Yes, keeping yourself hydrated helps to remove all the toxins and waste from your body. Apart from drinking water, you can also drink juice and water-filled fruit and vegetable.

5. Exercise daily-

A point which you all probably knew very well. Exercise is very necessary to stay physically fit and active. Doing daily workout, is good for both your heart and lungs. It boosts your blood circulation, nourishes your skin cells and also keep your body free from harmful toxins. All these things help in the skin glow.

6. Vegetables and Fruits with high water content-

Consuming vegetables and fruits which are rich in water content makes them easy to digest. Vegetables like carrot, lettuce, cucumber and asparagus are very beneficial for skin. Fruits like oranges, watermelon and bananas helps to keep your skin toned and plump.

7. Breathing Exercises-

Ever thought why the skin of all the Yoga gurus is so fine, toned and glowing? That’s because they are free from mental stress. Yes, mental stress is more dangerous than physical stress. Doing controlled breathing exercise daily is a way to remove stress and remain calm. Also breathing exercise helps to increase your immunity and gives you a glowing skin.

8. Consume Nuts-

Yes, nuts and seeds are very nutritious, adding them in your regular diet will help you to stay healthy and fit. Nuts like walnuts, sunflower seeds, almonds, pistachios and flax seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fibre, which helps to get a glowing skin.

9. Use Sunscreen-

You must be thinking, how this contributes to daily glowing skin secret. But believe me, most of the time due to tanned skin, we lose our original skin colour. No matter the season, you should daily apply sunscreen. Sunscreen helps protect your skin from harmful UV rays. UV rays can cause pigmentation, sunburn and wrinkles in your skin.

10. Cut down on salt and sugar intake-

If you have a habit of eating excessive salt and sugar, then you need to limit it. Excessive salt and sugar damages the collagen and elastin in the skin. It causes your skin to look wrinkly and old.

11. Facial Massage-

Well, your skin needs a boost just like your body. Massaging your face helps to release tension, and relaxes your face muscles. It makes sure that the moisturizer and serum you use are absorbed properly by your skin and gives you nourishment.

So, massage your skin daily and you will see a great change in your skin texture.

12. Vitamin C for Face-

Vitamin C is very effective for the skin. It is like an immune system for the skin. Vitamin C serum brightens up the skin, minimizes pore size and makes your skin glowing. You can either consume fruits rich in vitamin C like strawberries, oranges, lemon and blackberries. All these fruits are filled with antioxidants, which boosts the collagen of your skin and gives an instant glow.

13. Frozen Milk Cubes-

Using ice cubes in summer is one of the best glowing skin secrets which not many of you know about. Ice cubes help to cool down the skin and tones it, Now, what if instead of using water ice cube we use milk ice cube. Milk is very good for the skin, it keeps the skin moisturized, soft and smooth.

Using frozen milk cubes will do two of your work, it will reduce skin dullness and will bring out natural glow. Apply the milk ice cube on your face, and let the residue stay for 20 minutes. Rinse your face and apply moisturizer.

So, above are some of the glowing skin secret which if you do daily, you won’t need a special treatment for your skin. In the starting you may feel hard to do all these things, but slowly slowly put it in your lifestyle.       

Did you know about these Secrets of Glowing Skin?


1. Can I daily apply DIY face mask?

DIY face mask are organic and does not have any side effect, but using them daily is not good for your skin, it can cause skin breakout.

2. I have oily skin, does the above secrets work for me as well?

Yes, the above secrets are for all types of skin. Above points are just some daily routine thing, which helps you to get healthy and glowing skin.

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Arpita Dubey: I am Arpita Dubey. I have done my MBA in marketing and international business. Later, I always wanted to try something of my own, where I have the flexibility to work and also the work interests me. That is when I started writing Content, I like to research and write content which is helpful for readers and also engages them. A mommy of a daughter, I took up the content writing as my full time job and I am loving it.
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