Hair Care

How to Grow Receding Hairline?

Receding Hairline is a very common hair problem. It is considered the first sign of hair loss. You may find it strange but the receding hairline is more common in women than in men. Hairline receding happens gradually, if you notice it a little early you can stop or delay it. There are many causes of receding hairline. But still, there are ways for receding hairline regrowth.

When you see your hair getting thin around the temporofrontal region of the scalp, just understand that this is a sign of a receding hairline. If you see that your hair parting line is getting away, this is also a receding hairline sign. So, let’s understand in this blog what are the causes, symptoms and stages of receding hairline and how to grow receding hairline.

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Causes of Receding Hairline

Age- As you grow old, collagen in your hair reduces. About 80% of men have receding hairline as they reach 80 years old. Hair loss is a natural process of ageing. You cannot avoid it, but you can delay it.

Hormonal Changes- The most common reason why a woman loses hair. You might see a difference in your hair texture after pregnancy and also after menopause.

Stress- Your biggest enemy for having good and healthy hair. Stress directly affects hair growth and also causes hair loss.

Lifestyle- Lifestyle is a prime factor when it comes to the deteriorating health of hair. If you smoke, drink lots of alcohol and does not sleep well, then you may find your hairline receding early.

Genetic Factor- If there is a family history of receding hairline, then chances are you may also get it. Heredity pattern baldness is a natural condition and you may face baldness or hair thinning at the age of 30 or even early.

Excessive Hairstyling- Hair styling products are not herbal products. They rip off the natural oil from the scalp and make hair dry and dull.

Dandruff- Dandruff weakens your hair follicles. Constant itching and scratching results in hair fall and also thinning of hair.

Stages of Receding Hairline

Hairline just does not recede in a day or two. It all happens gradually. Check out the stages of receding hairline-

1st Stage: You won’t feel like that your hairline is receding.

2nd Stage: Slowly, you will feel less hair on both your temples.

3rd Stage: Your hair strands will start to thin.

4th Stage: You will have minimal hair loss and you may feel like being bald on the top.

5th Stage: You can very properly see less hair on your crown.

6th Stage: The hair strands in the middle part of your head have started to get thin.

7th Stage: You are losing more hair and half of your scalp is visible now.

Symptoms of Receding Hairline

Gradual Hair Thinning- In the starting, you will just see that your hair is getting thinner day by day. In men, you may find the hair thinning on top of the head and in women, it occurs where you part your hair.

Hair Fall- Losing around 100 hair in a day is very normal. But if you feel like, you are losing more, then you need to be alert as this is the case of hair fall.

Patches- Observing patches on your hair is a sign of a receding hairline.

How to Regrow Receding Hairline?

1. Healthy Diet-

Whatever you eat has a direct effect on your hair health. Having a diet rich in antioxidants and vitamins make sure that your hair looks healthier and full. Antioxidants help to fight oxidative stress.

Natural Antioxidant Ingredients are:

  • Walnuts
  • Kidney Beans
  • Blueberries
  • Spinach

Also, make sure you eat a lot of green leafy vegetables. It helps to improve your hair quality.

2. Stop Overstyling-

Over styling means using a lot of chemical products like gel, pomades and serums. All these things help to cover up the receding hairline. But in the long run, usage of these products have negative effects on your hairline. When you over style and pull your hair to its very limit, it starts to affect the hair follicles, which can cause irreversible damage.

3. No more Hot Showers-

Washing your hair with a really hot shower daily is very unnatural. Hot water rips out the natural oil from your hair and damages the hair follicles. Long hot showers are also a big contributor to dandruff. Therefore, wash your hair with cold showers, it helps boost the blood circulation in the scalp and hydrate hair follicles.

4. Ayurvedic Shampoo-

Ayurveda helps to understand the root problem and then solves it. It takes the help of natural things to regrow the receding hairline. Try using more herbal and ayurvedic shampoo which contains any of the following herbs:

  • Triphala- One of the best herbs to cleanse dead skin cells and skin debris. It promotes hair growth and also adds moisture to hair.
  • Aloe Vera- Aloe vera is known for its cooling effects. It helps to treat and also balance the Pitta dosh.
  • Hibiscus Leaves and Flowers- Being rich in amino acids, it helps to avoid premature greying of hair and also nourishes hair and treats bald patches.

5. Hair Massage-

We often underestimate the power a head massage has. Massaging your scalp regularly helps to give healthier and thicker hair. It increases blood circulation and helps to regrow the receding hairline. According to Ayurveda, a good oil massage increases the blood circulation in your hair and balances the dosha level.

Some of the hair oil which are best for a head massage is-

  • Amla Hair Oil- Amla is loaded with Vitamin C. It helps to remove dandruff and also treat the dry scalp. Amla hair oil treats premature greying of hair and hair baldness.
  • Bhringraj Hair Oil- Bhringraj is especially made for hair. It prevents hair greying, hair fall, baldness, and dandruff. This oil not only increases the blood circulation but also strengthens and conditions hair roots.
  • Brahmi Hair Oil- Brahmi is very effective in treating anxiety, dandruff and alopecia areata. It helps to remove the stress from your body and soothe the Pitta dosha.
  • Essential Oil- Essential oils holds a special place. They are very useful and helps in improving the health of hair. Essential oils like Lavender oil, Rosemary oil, Lemongrass, Tea Tree and Peppermint oil etc. have non-inflammatory properties which helps to fight any kind of bacterial infection and also helps in receding hair line regrowth.
  • Carrier Oils- Also known as Vegetable oil, it helps to nourish hair naturally. Carrier oils such as: Coconut oil, Almond oil, Argan oil, Jojoba oil and Olive oil works wonders on hair. They are rich in antioxidants, and provides moisture to hair by improving the blood circulation. Carrier oils make hair soft and shiny and prevents hair breakage.

6. Yoga Asanas-

Yogas are one of the strongest and best ways to strengthen the hair roots and regrow receding hairline. Some of the Yoga Asana which helps us are-

  • Sarvangasana- If you are suffering from Thyroid, it causes hair fall. Sarvangasana helps to hydrate the dull and dry hair by boosting the blood circulation in the scalp.
  • Bhujangasana- An asana which balances your Pitta dosha by controlling stress, tension and anxiety. It increases the blood circulation which helps to reduce the hair fall.
  • Sirsasana- A perfect yoga pose for making hair healthy and beautiful. This headstand pose increases the blood circulation and helps fight baldness and greying of hair.
  • Utthanasana- If you are too much stressed out, you can see your hair falling and also the hair texture will deteriorate. Utthanasana helps to control the stress and relaxes your muscles and mind. While performing this Asana your back and calf muscles stretches.
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana- This yoga pose helps to increase blood supply in the hair follicles and prevent them from falling. Adho Mukha Asana is also very effective in improving digestion and provide hair with proper nutrients.

Tips to Prevent Receding Hairline

Apart from the above ways, you should know about some of the tips which can prevent a receding hairline.

  • Have a sound sleep of 6-7 hours.
  • Protect hair from UV rays and pollution.
  • Manage your stress levels
  • Do not comb your hair when wet. It causes more hair breakage.
  • Massage your scalp with Coconut, Castor and Almond oil regularly.
  • Use right hair brush.
  • Try to use more herbal hair products.

So, these are some of how you can grow a receding hairline. Hairline receding is one very common hair problem. With the above home remedies and tips, you can delay it and also stop it. If you have a heredity problem, it will be good to look after it before it starts to happen.

How do you take care of your Receding Hairline?

Arpita Dubey

I am Arpita Dubey. I have done my MBA in marketing and international business. Later, I always wanted to try something of my own, where I have the flexibility to work and also the work interests me. That is when I started writing Content, I like to research and write content which is helpful for readers and also engages them. A mommy of a daughter, I took up the content writing as my full time job and I am loving it.

Published by
Arpita Dubey

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