How to Protect Hair While Swimming Every Day

Summer is approaching and so is our swimming and beach season. We often make our body beach-ready before the summer hits us. But do we really give a thought about how to protect hair while swimming every day? Yes, just like our skin gets tanned due to swimming and the sun, our hair also gets damaged and dry with chlorinated water. If you are into your hair too much, you very well know how much damage chlorine can do to your hair.

Swimming is fun, and a perfect whole-body exercise. It relaxes and rejuvenates the body. But as beneficial it is for the body, it damages the hair cuticles, leading to hair breakage and split ends. We have brought to you some ways through which you can protect your hair from the chlorinated water.

Check out the blog-

How do Salt and Chlorine affect your Hair?

Both chlorine and saltwater deeply affects the hair cuticles. It turns the blonde hair color to green and also damage the hair cuticles. Chlorine bonds with hair fiber, leading to hair breakage, hair loss and dryness. Both chlorine and saltwater rips out the natural oil from the hair and make it dry and frizzy. If you have sensitive scalp, you may feel itchiness and scalp inflammation.

It is true that swimming is the best way to relax your body, but it also poses a serious damage to our hair. So, check out the ways to protect hair from swimming every day.

7 Ways to Protect your Hair if you swim daily

Pre-Swimming Hair Care

1. Oil Your Hair-

One of the best ways to protect our hair is to oil them. Oiling your hair with natural oil helps to form a protective layer on the hair and protects against the loss of moisture. It easily penetrates the hair shaft and prevents the entering of chlorinated water.

Therefore, it will be good if you apply oil before swimming. As oil makes your hair waterproof and also prevents the loss of hair colour.

2. Apply Leave-In Conditioner-

A leave-in conditioner acts as a protective layer on your hair. Just like you apply sunscreen on your skin to protect it from harmful UV rays, similarly, applying a leave-in conditioner on hair protects it from chlorinated water. Leave-in conditioner neutralizes the negative charge of hair and helps to lubricate the hair cuticles.

3. Take Shower before going into pool-

Well, this point many of you already know. It is even written near the poolside that take a shower before entering the pool. Taking shower from non-chlorinated water helps to prevent the entering of chlorinated water, thereby reducing hair breakage and damage.

Hair Care While Swimming

4. Wear a Swimming Cap-

Wearing a swimming cap while swimming helps to protect the hair in the best possible way. It avoids the penetration of chlorinated water in the hair strands and keeps them soft and healthy. A swimming cap covers your entire head and makes sure there is minimum contact between chlorinated water and hair.

Post-Swimming Hair Care

5. Wash your Hair Thoroughly-

After you are done with swimming, it is necessary to again wash your hair thoroughly. Rinsing your hair with normal water helps to remove any chlorine from your hair and keeps the scalp clean and clear.

6. Shampoo your Hair-

It is a good habit to shampoo your hair after swimming; it helps to remove any left residue from the hair and keep hair healthy. Chlorinated water makes hair dry and frizzy; it also gets deposited on the hair causing damage to hair follicles. Shampooing your hair will help to make your hair tresses soft and smooth.

7. Apply Conditioner-

Whenever you shampoo your hair never skip conditioner. A deep conditioner helps to nourish and moisturize the hair and also fights dryness. You can also apply a leave-in conditioner, it provides extra nourishment to hair and also provides shine to them.

Bonus Tips to know about Post-Swimming Hair Care

Avoid Hair Dryers-

Do not use hair dryers to dry your hair after swimming. Blow drying makes hair dry and damage. It is better to towel dry them or let them dry naturally.

Avoid Washing Hair more than Once a Day-

If you are in the habit of going swimming both in the morning and evening, then shampooing your hair, again and again, is not recommended. Frequent shampooing of hair makes them dry and brittle.

So, these are some of the ways through which you can protect your hair from both chlorinated and saltwater during this summer.

How do you take care of your hair while swimming?


1. Is swimming safe if we have dyed our hair?

Yes, swimming is safe even in dyed hair. You just need to take care of them and nothing will happen to the colour of your hair.

2. How should I tie my hair while swimming?

The best hairstyle while swimming is to braid, ponytail and top knot your hair. Make sure that your hair has minimum contact with water.

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Arpita Dubey: I am Arpita Dubey. I have done my MBA in marketing and international business. Later, I always wanted to try something of my own, where I have the flexibility to work and also the work interests me. That is when I started writing Content, I like to research and write content which is helpful for readers and also engages them. A mommy of a daughter, I took up the content writing as my full time job and I am loving it.
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