Health & Wellness

Omg! 23 The Best Pregnancy Do’s And Don’ts Ever!

During Pregnancy the Do’s and Don’ts things:

The most beautiful phase in a women’s life is when she knows she is pregnant. The feeling of a living person inside you is priceless and cannot be described in words. Women will do anything to make sure that their baby inside is healthy and protected. But there are many things which a woman is told by everyone and it gets all messy. So, with lots of research, talking to experts and reading, I have brought to you the new do’s and don’ts during pregnancy period-

Do’s During Pregnancy-

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1. This is obvious and you all might be aware of this. NO Alcohol and NO Smoking.

2. Don’t skip exercise, it should be continued as before. Although you can change some postures in exercise according to the pregnancy. Workout can help you fight some issues during pregnancy like- Insomnia, muscle pain, mood problems, and excessive weight gain.

3. Start having a balanced diet, which is rich in minerals and vitamins. Make sure your diet has Folic Acid and Vitamin D. Have folic acid until 12 weeks and Vitamin D should be regular, as it helps your baby develop teeth, healthy bones and muscles.

4. Always be active, being lazy or sitting around a lot is not healthy for you and your baby. It may also cause some problems like lower back pain and shortness of breath.

5. Do visit your dentist once in the pregnancy. Routine care and cleaning help in low bacteria count and infections which can avoid preterm labor. Fluctuating hormones during pregnancy can cause swollen, bleeding gums and if that is not taken care of can cause periodontal disease, which will raise the risk of premature delivery.

6. Get enough sleep. All the changing hormones, anxiety can make you sleep deprived. But pregnancy is demanding and its needs have to be fulfilled. You need to sleep for 8-9 hours in your final trimester.

If you feel fatigued, that is the sign your body needs rest.

7. Don’t eat uncooked meat or egg, this can cause the risk of foodborne illness and also food poisoning. Make sure whatever you eat is cooked properly.

8. Always wear seatbelts. People think wearing seatbelts may hurt your baby, but this is not true. It is found that pregnancy-related complications got decreased for women wearing a seat belt during the car accident. You can protect yourself and baby by wearing a seat belt. Position your seatbelt under your belly across the hip and the shoulder belt between your breasts.

9. If you are a non-vegetarian and eat seafood, then eating seafood during pregnancy is very beneficial. They are loaded with vitamins and minerals, such as heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and iron. But never have uncooked seafood. It should be properly cooked.

10. You can have sex. Most people think that sex during pregnancy can harm your baby, but it is nothing like that. Until you have a high-risk pregnancy or any complicating factor, sex is no problem. Though you can consult your doctor before it so that they can guide yours properly.

11. Get a Flu shot. Expecting mothers should get a flu vaccine. The injection is not a live virus and you cannot get flu from the flu vaccine. The vaccine will protect you and the developing fetus.

12. Do notice your baby’s movement. After week 24, they settle down at a regular pattern and if you see any reduction in that movement, consult a doctor.

Don’ts During Pregnancy

13. You don’t need to gain a lot of weight to feed the newborn. An extra 100 calories a day is enough for your first trimester and 300 calories by the third trimester. A new study and research have shown, how much weight you should put on-

Underweight:- You need to gain 28 to 40 pounds
Normal:- Gain 25 to 35 pounds
Overweight:- Gain 15 to 25 pounds
Obese:- This category should not gain more than 20 pounds
Gaining more weight tend to create problems during delivery and you are also at risk of hypertension and gestational diabetes.

14. Avoid all the saunas and hot tub. Although jacuzzi, hot tubs and saunas are very relaxing they can cause the problem to expectant mothers.

15. Don’t drink much of caffeine. You can have a cup of coffee, but thinking to have three-shot of Latte is a strict No. To limit have less than 200mg of coffee a day.

16. If you have got the benefit to choose your delivery date and you can wait, then chose the delivery after 39 weeks.

17. Don’t write off anything bad, negative or unusual bad feelings about pregnancy. Always be cheerful and happy.

18. Avoid any overseas holiday after 37 weeks, the likelihood of going into labor is much high. You cannot travel in the first three months and also traveling in the final months is not recommendable.

So, after 28 weeks of pregnancy, you can travel by showing the doctors letter to the airlines.

19. Don’t lift any heavy objects and also avoid bending.

20. Do not take any medicine unless prescribed by the gym.

21. Avoid all kind of adventurous activities like Scuba diving, Water skiing, etc.

22. Don’t eat deli meat like hot dogs, smoked salmon, sausages, etc. these can cause foodborne illness such as toxoplasmosis and listeriosis.

So, these are some of the Do’s and Don’ts which an expecting mother should keep in mind.

But remember all the pregnancy cases are different. It is advised, to consult your doctor before doing anything. As they know the best. Just remember this is the most precious time of your life.

You will go through a lot of emotional swings, but always be happy and have positive thoughts. This practice will make your baby healthy and happy.

Enjoy your Pregnancy and Congratulations!

Hope you enjoyed this blog ‘pregnancy do’s and don’ts ‘ Please share your experience with us

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Arpita Dubey

I am Arpita Dubey. I have done my MBA in marketing and international business. Later, I always wanted to try something of my own, where I have the flexibility to work and also the work interests me. That is when I started writing Content, I like to research and write content which is helpful for readers and also engages them. A mommy of a daughter, I took up the content writing as my full time job and I am loving it.

Published by
Arpita Dubey

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