The season of festivals and happiness is here- Winter. But it also brings with it the viruses and diseases which give everyone sick throat, common cold and also flu sometimes. If winter brings sickness with it, it also brings superfoods which help to increase immunity. We have brought to you some of the immunity booster foods in winter, these foods will help you deal with the chilling winter and will keep you healthy even in the weather change. So, let’s have a look at 15 superfoods which are immunity booster.
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Which food can increase immunity power?
1. Citrus-
Citrus fruits are filled with vitamin C and vitamin C is great to boost immunity. It also protects us from cold and other winter diseases. Citrus fruits are mostly found during winter, which makes it the best choice to keep you fit and healthy during winter. You can have fruits like- oranges, lemons, grapefruit, and tangerines.
2. Eggs-
Eggs are a perfect choice for breakfast in winter. They are rich in vitamin D, vitamin C, and many immunity booster nutrients. The yellow part of the yolk is filled with proteins and maintain good body strength. You can eat both cooked and raw eggs.
3. Blueberries-
Many people just love it but did you also know that blueberries are considered superfoods that have a great antioxidant level. They are rich in flavonoids which is a great antioxidant type. It helps to repair the cell damage and strengthen the immune system. So, this winter munch on these special and tasty superfoods.
4. Ginger-
Who doesn’t love ginger tea? Ginger is one amazing superfood that is full of anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to reduce nausea, lower blood sugar levels, and also soothe the upset stomach. You can add ginger in soups, and also tea for flavor and health.
5. Chicken Soup-
Who would have thought that such a mouth-watering, yummy dish can also help us boost our immunity? In this chilling winter, having a sip of chicken soup is all you need. The warmth of the soup helps to clear the sinuses, soothes our stomach, and also boosts the immune system.
6. Guava-
I don’t know about you, but Guava is one of my favs. Food. Loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants, it helps to fight the free radicals and prevent any cell damage. It is also rich in fibers, which makes it a perfect choice for heart and blood sugar levels.
7. Apples-
It is truly said that an Apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apples are rich in pectin fiber, vitamin C and K. It also helps to reduce the inflammation and strengthen immunity. Winters bring amazing and delicious apples every day. Eating an apple daily is good for your heart, helps in weight loss, and also lowers the risk of diabetes.
8. Pomegranate-
You know pomegranate is so rich and full of nutrients. It is rich in anti-oxidant, anti-viral, anti-tumor properties. Pomegranate is a good source of vitamin A, C, and E and folic acid. It keeps our BP normal, is good for the heart, and also prevents skin damage. Eating one pomegranate daily also delays aging.
9. Beetroot-
Think of winter and the first superfood which comes to my mind is Beetroot. This is a bright red vegetable packed with nutrients. It is a great source of fiber, folate, potassium, manganese, vitamin C, and iron. Beetroot is good to improve blood flow, lower blood pressure, and increase hemoglobin. They help to improve the digestion and combat fatigue.
You can consume beetroot by making its juice, eating in salad or making vegetable of it.
10. Carrot-
Carrots are rich in beta-carotene; they are very good for the eyes. It helps to protect the eyes from damage and also improves eyesight. They are rich in fiber, minerals, vitamins and have a high nutritive profile. It also helps to lose weight and improve immunity.
See more- 10 Amazing Benefits of eating carrots
11. Spinach-
When you were young, have you ever watched the cartoon show Popeye- the sailor man, he used to eat spinach and gain energy. Well, it is true! Spinach is packed with minerals and vitamins, it has dozens of flavonoids that increase immunity and also protect the heart.
12. Garlic-
How delicious garlic makes our food. It is found almost in all cuisine. Garlic is loaded with great anti-oxidant properties, it is highly nutritious and is very successful in combating sickness which includes the common cold. It helps to reduce blood pressure and also the risk of heart disease. Many people daily eat one raw garlic clove to keep their heart-healthy.
13. Yogurt-
Most of the family daily include a bowl of yogurt in their meals. It helps to stimulate the immune system and fight diseases. Yogurt is a rich source of vitamin D, which helps to regulate the immune system. Even it has been proven effective to fight deadly diseases like COVID-19. Its best Immunity Booster Foods in winter.
14. Almonds-
Almonds are effective to fight off the cold and to prevent any disease. They help to lower the bad cholesterol and is rich in nutrients like vitamin E, potassium, and magnesium. It helps to keep your immune system healthy and is also good for hair and skin. Eating 4 soaked almonds daily is really beneficial.
15. Kiwi-
Kiwis are rich in vitamin C and dietary fibers. They provide immense health benefits and is also packed with vitamins and minerals. Kiwi helps to support the heart health, increase the immunity and is also good for digestive system. They help to fight the infection and keep the functioning of the body proper.
Having a healthy and well-balanced diet in winter is all you need to Immunity Booster Foods. Winter is also called a healthy season, as you get to eat some amazing fruits and also enjoy the holiday and festivities.
How do you keep yourself healthy during winter?
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