How to Burn Calories To Loss Weight Fast at Home


Calories the main enemy of the human body. It makes us look fat and ugly. People who are conscious about how they look, do a lot of workouts, foods to burn the calories fast at your home. The question is how to burn calories to weight loss and a healthy body.

But have you ever thought of performing yoga for the calories? Many people think Yoga is just Pranayam and Meditation, but yoga is much more than that. If performed rightly, it helps you burn a lot of calories and reduce the upper body fat.

Which kind of exercise burns the most calories?

Let us have a look at some of the effortless and easy yoga poses, which helps in burning the calories-


1. Plank-

This one helps in burning a lot of calories. Plank requires major muscle to be engaged including your abs, shoulder, and glutes and forcing your body to stay in air against gravity. The longer you stay in the plank position, the more calories you burn.


How to perform it-

  • Get into the position, with your feet and hands on the ground.
  • Keep your hands at the shoulder distance and also your shoulder is directly over your wrists.
  • Now jump back with your feet back and touching the ground.
  • Slowly make the foot only on fingers.
  • Stay in this position as long as you can.


2. Chair-

In this pose, you have to stay for as long as you can the way chair looks. This yoga pose involves activating the largest muscle in your body- the glutes. This burns a lot of calories.


How to perform it-

  • Stand firmly on the ground.
  • Make your feet apart and then move your hips down the way you do, when you sit on a chair
  • Your hands together in front of your face.
  • Stay in this position for as long as you can.
  • This involves the largest calorie burn.

3. Chaturanga Dandasana-

This is one classic yoga pose, where it is like holding the low part of a push-up. In this your legs are engaged and your arms are maintained at a 90-degree angle. This is also called as Upward- facing the dog.


How to perform it-

  • Get into a plank position on the mat, where your shoulders are right above your wrists.
  • Now make your arms at the right angle.
  • Lower your body little down, but not touching the ground.
  • Only legs and palms touch the ground.


4. Wheel-

This is a little difficult pose. You need to work out and warm up your body before performing this yoga pose. This pose “opens” the heart and your entire front is stretched up. It engages the whole body the legs, buttocks, shoulder, and arms.


How to perform it-

  • Lie on your back calm and relaxed.
  • Then bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the ground.
  • Move your hips up and then bend your elbows.
  • Bring your palms by your shoulder and fingertips pointing towards your feet.
  • Press your feet and palm on the yoga mat and lift yourself up
  • Now bring down your head, to look like a wheel circle.


5. High Lunge-

This is a very common pose. It involves the workout of the whole body. It is also called a strengthening pose. It basically requires balance.


How to perform it-

  • Stand on the mat with your feet apart. One in the front and one back.
  • Come to standing forward bend.
  • Bend your right knee a little.
  • Your left foot which is back should be straight in slanting position.
  • Keep your hands together above your head
  • Be in this position for as long as you can be.


6. Sun Salutation-

Surya Namaskar is a series of 12 yoga poses. Each pose has importance and benefits of its own. It is also considered as one complete exercise for all the body parts. It activates the cardiovascular system, strengthens and stretches the muscles.


How to perform it

  1. First, stand firmly with your hands together in a namaskar position.
  2. Inhale and take you both the arms up in wide arcs. (Upward Salute)
  3. Exhale and release your arms and then touch your feet with the hands. (Standing forward bend)
  4. Now breathe, and make your body parallel to the ground. Bring your right foot to the chest and hands on the ground.
  5. Now inhale, and take your right leg backward aligning your body parallel to the ground.
  6. The next pose is also called as giving salutations using eight parts. After your body is parallel to the ground. Bring your chin to rest on the floor, keep your hips elevated in the air. It should be your eight parts- two hands, two legs, chin, and chest will rest on the floor while your hips will be up in the air.
  7. Next is Bhujangasana, also known as Cobra pose. This means simply aligning your chest 90 degrees to the ground, keeping your legs and midsection flat on the ground.
  8. Next comes the mountain pose, keep your palm and feet where they are and slowly raise your midsection.
  9. Now, after this asana, you have to return back to the original, by doing the steps in reverse. Start with step 4, but this time bring your left foot.
  10. And then continue with 3, 2 and 1.

This completes your 12 poses of Sun Salutation.


7. Dolphin-

This pose is similar to the downward-facing dog. This pose strengthens the body- the arms, core, and leg as well. It also makes them stretch and forearms resting on the map helps in triceps too.


How to perform it-  

  • Stand and relax on the yoga mat.
  • Now try to make the mountain pose, with your feet on the ground and midsection in the air.
  • Now try to touch your head on the ground, with your hands in front facing the ground.

So, these are the Seven poses, which you can perform daily for the most calorie burn. All the poses should be performed only after doing the warm-up exercise and should be performed in the repetition of 20 to see the results soon.

There are other ways to burn calories other than the workout, these are the tasks that we perform daily and don’t know the importance of it. Know about how to burn calories without doing exercises.

Fastest Ways To Burn Tons Of Calories Without Exercises


When at home, we chop, dice and saute the vegetables for the dinner, in a way we are burning calories. This process can burn up to 128 calories. Perfect for cooking lovers right?

2. Dance:

We all love dancing. Spending 20 minutes on dancing can burn up to 107 calories. So start dancing right now. I think its best work to burn calories.

3. Scrubbing:

When you decide to clean the bathroom, you scrub the floor and the tub everything which you can. Don’t worry this cleaning gives you two things- Cleaned bathroom and burned calories. Your 25 minutes of cleaning the bathroom can burn up to 107 calories.

4. Reading:

Thinking how strange it is. Sitting at a place and reading can burn up your calories. Yes, spending 65 minutes on reading, makes your brain work fast and sharp and it also burns up 100 calories.

5. Vacuuming:

After the bathroom, now is the turn for the house. Vacuuming the house for 35 minutes burns around 100 calories.

6. Climbing the ladder:

If you work in an office, you have more chances to burn up the calories. Climb the stairs instead of taking the lift. Stepping up can burn off 116 calories. And can also make your energized.

7. Shopping:

No one saw this coming, shopping the favorite thing of us all the women can help burn calories. Yes, when you go shopping, you go and try on the clothes, which makes you burn the calories. It will make you burn around 100 calories.


8. Walk while talking on the Phone:

Whenever your mobile ring, make it a pact to get up and walk while talking. Every time you do this, it will help you burn the calorie.

9. You can switch to the Keto diet

Keto diet helps in cutting down the carbs and uses the proteins and fats from the body, for the energy. Since we have cut down on the carbs it will help in burning the calories fast.

Now after knowing that our daily routine work also helps in burning the calories. Let us also see, what foods we can eat to help in the calorie burn while you sleeping-

Healthy fat burning foods for weight loss


  • Fatty Fish- This delicious fatty fish which is immensely rich in omega 3 fatty acids helps you lose body fat. It reduces inflammation and decreases heart disease risk.


  • MCT Oil- It is made by extracting MCTs from coconut oil. They are easily and rapidly absorbed by the body and also get converted into ketones very soon.


  • Coffee- This caffeinated drink enhances a person’s mood and also improves its physical and mental health. It helps in burning calories and also increases the metabolic rate.


  • Eggs- It is a nutritional powerhouse, it reduces hunger, protects your heart, and gives you the feeling of fullness. It is a high protein food that helps in reducing weight.


  • Coconut oil- Coconut oil is loaded with amazing benefits. It increases your good cholesterol and also helps you lose weight. Just add 2 tbsp of coconut oil in your diet and you will see the results soon.


  • Green Tea- The main purpose of Green tea is to lower the cholesterol and also to burn the calories. Drinking green tea daily makes your skin soft and smooth and also protects your heart from disease.


  • Apple Cider VinegarThis amazing drink, which benefits our hair, skin, and health helps burn down the calories too. It helps in lowering the sugar and insulin levels. Start with 1tbsp of ACV dilute it and then drink it.


I hope you enjoy this blog “How to burn calories for weight loss” So, these are some of the best yoga poses you can do it at home and food to eat in which you can burn most of the calories.

How do you prefer burning calories? Do comment.



  • Does walking involve burning off calories?


Yes, walking is a very good exercise and it helps in a lot of calorie burn.



  • What is the easiest way to burn out the calories at home?


Doing all your household activities helps in the calorie burn. Like making food, cleaning, scrubbing the floor, gardening, etc.


  • Which exercise burns the most calories?

Yoga and cycling burn most of the calories.


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Arpita Dubey: I am Arpita Dubey. I have done my MBA in marketing and international business. Later, I always wanted to try something of my own, where I have the flexibility to work and also the work interests me. That is when I started writing Content, I like to research and write content which is helpful for readers and also engages them. A mommy of a daughter, I took up the content writing as my full time job and I am loving it.
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