What are the best home remedies for a cold?

home remedies for cold

Credit : https://pixabay.com/photos/woman-blow-blowing-nose-hand-chief-698964/

When the common cold hits, it can knock you off your feet for a few days. While there are over-the-counter remedies that can help reduce some symptoms, many of the remedies come with unwanted side effects. Instead of using cold medicine that makes you drowsy or loopy, you can turn to home remedies without side effects. 

Rest and Hydration

Stated by Your Herbal Remedies Guide, two of the best remedies for the common cold are rest and hydration. The body needs time to heal, and clear beverages can help flush the toxins out of your system. Water is a good option, and try chewing on ice if you get tired of drinking water all day. Avoid caffeinated or alcoholic beverages as they actually can make you more dehydrated. 


Warm liquids can help get mucus flowing. Chicken soup is beneficial, not for the chicken but the warm broth. If you like apple juice, try warming it to ease congestion. Decaffeinated hot tea helps, too. Warm water with lemon and honey is a favorite choice. 

Clear Your Nose

One of the most frustrating results of the common cold is having a stuffy nose. The best remedy for this problem is saline drops, which can be purchased over-the-counter. These drops do not have side effects. If you have an infant or younger child, place a few drops in each nostril; then, use a bulb syringe to suck out the loosened mucus. Only stick the bulb in about a ⅓ of an inch, depending on the size of your child’s nose. School-age children, teens, and adults can find relief with a basic saline nasal spray. 

Add Humidity to the Air

A dry home can only make congestion worse. Running a humidifier or a cool-mist vaporizer will help fight congestion. Just be sure to change the water at least once per day to prevent the machine from becoming moldy. Cool water is better than steam, and it is safer. Some people like to put essential oils like eucalyptus or mint in their vaporizers to reduce congestion, too. Before adding oils to a vaporizer, check the user’s manual first. 

Saltwater to Soothe a Sore Throat

If your throat hurts, one helpful remedy is a saltwater gargle, especially with warm water. In eight ounces of water, dissolve ⅓ teaspoon of salt. Gargle for as long as possible, then spit it into your sink. 


If gargling isn’t your thing, you can soothe a sore throat with ice chips, hard candy or lozenges. Remember that young children can choke all of those items. So, a good choice for children is a sore throat spray. You can make your own with tea, echinacea, honey, and ginger. Some essential oils can be helpful like peppermint, lemon, or clove. 

Add Vitamin C and Zinc to Your Diet

Vitamin C and Zinc have both proven to help heal the body. You can add vitamin C in a variety of ways, like eating more citrus fruits and leafy greens. You can also take supplements. Many people add lemon to their tea for throat care. Drinking lemonade, orange juice, or other beverages with vitamin C helps, too. 


Zinc is another important mineral that helps fight colds. The best way to help your body fight the common cold is to begin taking zinc lozenges as soon as you notice symptoms. There are studies that show zinc can reduce the duration of a cold by one day. However, some studies show taking too much zinc can have harmful side effects. If you are concerned about the side effects, talk to your health care provider about taking zinc as soon as you recognize symptoms. 

Epsom Salts and a Warm Bath

For many people who have a cold, a warm bath is the best remedy. What makes a warm bath even more beneficial for people who are sick with a common cold is to add Epsom salts. The Epsom salts help with any body aches, but if you add an essential oil like tea tree, lavender, or eucalyptus to help fight congestion. 

Menthol Vapor Rubs

If you are dedicated to staying away from medicine you ingest, a vapor rub can offer relief in their place. The traditional vapor rub will help relieve nasal congestion and coughing. Some people find that vapor rubs help them and their children sleep. But, the vapor rubs do have a distinct mentholated smell that some people do not like. This is one over-the-counter medicine that does not have side effects, and it can provide nearly instant relief. 


Adults who do not want to put a vapor rub all over their chests or back can put a dab of it under their noses to help fight congestion. Menthol and camphor can also be helpful to cool a nose that is rubbed raw from excessive nose blowing. Just don’t put the menthol in your nose, or you’ll suffer the unpleasant sensation.

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