Ashwagandha is an essential herb in Ayurveda. Based on Indian principles, this is traditional alternative medicine. People have used Ashwagandha for thousands of years to reduce stress, improve concentration, and increase energy. Health Benefits Of Ashwagandha.
Sanskrit for “smells of the horse,” “Ashwagandha” refers to the herb’s odour and potential strength-enhancing properties.
It is indigenous to India, Southeast Asia, and other regions. The powders and extracts of the root or leaf can be used to treat anxiety, infertility, and other conditions.
Here are some potential Health Benefits of Ashwagandha based on research.
Health Benefits Of Ashwagandha
1. Help To Reduce Stress And Anxiety
Ashwagandha’s ability to reduce stress is probably its greatest strength. It is classified as an adaptogen substance, which helps the body deal with stress.
Ashwagandha seems to be able to control stress mediators, such as heat shock proteins (Hsp70), cortisol and stress-activated stress-activated Jun N-terminal protein kinase (JNK-1).
Numerous studies have shown that ashwagandha supplementation may be able to relieve stress and anxiety.
A small study of 58 people found that those who consumed 250 mg or 600 mg of Ashwagandha extract over 8 weeks experienced significantly less stress than those who received a placebo.
Participants who took ashwagandha supplements had significantly better sleep quality than those who received a placebo.
Another study of 60 participants found significant anxiety reductions when they took 240mg of ashwagandha extract daily for 60 days.
Early research has shown that ashwagandha can be an effective supplement to stress and anxiety.
A recent review of studies found that there is not enough evidence to establish a consensus regarding the best dosage and form for stress-related neuropsychiatric disorders like anxiety.
2. Improve Athletic Performance
Research has shown that Ashwagandha can have positive effects on athletic performance. It may also be worth a supplement for athletes.
Twelve studies were conducted on men and women who consumed ashwagandha in doses ranging from 120 mg to 1,250 mg daily. These results indicate that the herb may improve physical performance, such as strength and oxygen consumption during exercise.
Five studies showed that ashwagandha significantly increased maximum oxygen consumption (VO 2 max), in both healthy adults and athletes.
The maximum oxygen that a person can consume during intense exercise is VO 2. max. It is a measure of lung and heart fitness.
For both athletes and non-athletes, it is crucial to have a VO 2 maximum. A lower VO 2 max is associated with higher mortality risk. However, a higher VO 2 max is associated with a lower chance of heart disease.
3. Mental Health Conditions May Be Reduced By Using This Method
There is evidence that ashwagandha may be able to reduce the symptoms of certain mental conditions such as depression.
One study examined the effects of ashwagandha on 66 individuals suffering from depression and anxiety.
Participants who consumed 1,000mg of ashwagandha extract every day for 12 weeks experienced greater anxiety and depression reductions than those who received a placebo.
A second study has also shown that ashwagandha can be used to reduce the stress and symptoms of schizophrenia.
A limited amount of research, dating back to 2013, suggests that ashwagandha may be able to improve cognitive impairment in those with bipolar disorder.
4. Men Experience An Increase In Testosterone And Fertility
Some studies have shown that Ashwagandha supplements can increase testosterone levels and improve male fertility.
One study found that 43 overweight men aged 40-70 had mild fatigue and took tablets containing ashwagandha extract daily for eight weeks.
Ashwagandha treatment resulted in an 18% higher increase in DHEA–S, a sex hormone involved in the production of testosterone. Participants who used the herb had a 14.7% higher testosterone level than those who received the placebo.
A review of four studies also found that ashwagandha treatment significantly improved sperm concentration, semen quantity, and sperm motility for men with low sperm counts.
5. Reduce Blood Sugar Levels
There is limited evidence to suggest that ashwagandha has some benefits for those with high blood sugar or diabetes.
23 studies were reviewed, including five clinical studies with people with type 2 diabetes. The results showed that ashwagandha treatment significantly reduced blood sugar, hemoglobin (HbA1c), insulin and blood lipids as well as oxidative stress markers.
Some compounds in ashwagandha, such as one called withaferin A(WA), are believed to have strong anti-diabetic properties and could help your cells take glucose from your bloodstream.
6. Reduce Inflammation
As with WA, Ashwagandha contains compounds that may reduce inflammation.
Researchers discovered that WA targets systemic inflammatory pathways. They consist of nuclear factors erythroid 2-related protein 2 (NF-kB) and nuclear factor-beta B signalling molecules (NFKB).
Interleukin-10 (IL-10) levels in the body can be reduced by WA, according to animal studies.
Ashwagandha may be able to reduce inflammation in humans, according to some evidence.
In a 2008 study, adults suffering from stress were given ashwagandha for 60 days. C-Reactive Protein, an inflammatory marker, was significantly decreased in those who received ashwagandha extract for 60 days.
7. Improve Sleep
Many people use Ashwagandha to promote restful sleeping. However, some evidence suggests that it might help with issues related to sleep.
One study that included 50 adults between 65 and 80 found that 600 mg of Ashwagandha root per night for 12 weeks significantly increased sleep quality, mental alertness, and quality upon waking than a placebo.
One review of five high-quality studies showed that ashwagandha had a positive effect on overall sleeping quality.
Ashwagandha helped people reduce their anxiety and made them more alert when they woke.
Researchers noticed that results were more prominent in people with sleeplessness and those who took over 600 mg per day for 8 weeks or more.
So, above are some of the health benefits of Ashwagandha. Being in the Ayurveda for so many years, it is best used for many medicinal purposes also. Before using it, make sure it suits you and does not cause any side effects to you.
Have you ever tried Aswagandha before?