Hair Care

Get Rid of White Hair with these 11 Yoga Poses

Grey Hair is one of the most common hair problems which everyone has to deal with. Losing your natural hair colour before age 30 is just not acceptable, as this is your age to flaunt your hair and try new hairstyles. Hair greying makes us use hair colour, which is full of chemicals and harm our hair. Also, hair colour, makes our hair look lifeless and damaged. So, now get rid of white hair with these yoga poses.

Yoga Asana has become a favoured solution. Different yoga poses help to reduce hair fall, promote hair growth and also prevents premature greying of hair. Performing yoga helps to increase the blood circulation which makes our hair healthy and strong.

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11 Yoga Poses for White Hair

1. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)-

Camel pose helps to open up your hip, and reduce the fat on thighs. It helps to improve the posture, relieves from lower back pain and helps in better digestion.

How to perform:

  • Kneel down on ground with your knees 6 inches apart.
  • Use your both hands to reach backward and touch the feet.
  • Keep your thighs straight and push your abdomen in forward motion.
  • Stay in the position for few breaths.

2. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)-

Triangle pose is very effective when it comes to taking care of your overall health. It helps to stretch leg muscles, strengthens knees, ankles, abdominals and relieves stress.

How to perform:

  • Stand with your legs wide apart.
  • Raise your both hands, keep them in a straight line.
  • Now touch your left feet with left hand, stay in the position for few seonds.
  • Touch your right feet with right hand.
  • While touching the feet, look up towards the ceiling.
  • Hold the position for a minute, on both the sides.

3. Apanasana (Knees to Chest Pose)-

Apanasana pose helps to stretch the body, reduce the hip fat, rebalances your body energy and helps to improve blood circulation.

How to perform:

  • Lie flat on the floor with your back.
  • Fold your legs from knees and bring it towards chest.
  • Hold your knee caps with your both palms.
  • While holding the knee, make sure your fingers are pointing towards the feet.
  • Stay in this pose and keep breathing normally.
  • After a minute, move away your legs and do a side twist with folded knees.

4. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)-

Cobra pose is needed to strengthen your back, tone your buttocks, and help relieve stress and fatigue. This pose helps to make your hair follicles strengthen and get rid of premature greying.

How to perform:

  • Lie flat on the ground with your stomach.
  • Your legs to be together and toes pointing outwards.
  • Both hands to be under your chest.
  • Press your both palms, raise your forehead and make your arms straight.
  • Inhale, look upwards and put your weight on your chest.
  • Stay in this position for few seconds.

5. Adho Mukha Savasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)-

Downward facing dog one of the best pose which helps to tone you core muscles, works on the back of your legs, strengthen your arms and helps to improve your body posture. This pose also helps to relieve the stress and get rid of white hair.

How to perform:

  • Sit on fours with your knees and palms on the ground.
  • Exhale and lift your knees off the floor.
  • Stretch out your arm and make it straight.
  • Your torso to be up, like the tip of mountain.
  • Your hands and legs to be straight and your face down.
  • You will feel a stretch in your arms and legs.

6. Matsyasana (Fish Pose)-

Fish pose helps to stretch and stimulate the organs of your belly. It helps to strengthen your upper back and back of your neck. A good yoga pose to relieve stress and irritation.

How to perform:

  • Lie down flat on the ground with your back and hands besides you.
  • Now, slide your hands beneath your buttocks.
  • Inhale deeply and lift your chest up.
  • Drop your head back and try to look back at the wall.
  • Your buttocks to be touching the ground.
  • Hold the position for few seconds
  • Then straighten your head first and get back to normal pose.

7. Pavanmuktasan (Wind Releasing Pose)-

Not having a good stomach is one reason for hair fall. Pavanmuktasan helps to keep your bowel movements normal. Also, it keeps your overall health good.

How to perform:

  • Lie flat on ground with your back.
  • Your palms to be beside your thighs.
  • Now, fold your legs from knee.
  • Your thigh touching your stomach.
  • Bring together your hand and wrap it around knees.
  • Try to pull the knees towards your chest.
  • Hold the position for 10 seconds.

8. Kapalbhati (Fire of Breath)-

Kapalbhati is a technique which helps to clear the toxins from the blood, promote oxygen supply and also reduces free radicals. It increases blood circulation in the scalp, which helps to reduce the white hair. Kapalbhati is a type of Pranayama which helps to reduce stress and anxiety level.

How to perform:

  • Sit in a padmasana with your both legs crossed.
  • Exhale forcefully through nose
  • While exhaling, inhaling happens effortlessly.
  • First start with 3 minutes and then gradually increase the time.

9. Bhastrika Pranayama-

Bhastrika Pranayama also helps to cleanse the body. It purifies the blood and the nervous system. This Pranayama helps to promote hair growth by increasing oxygen level and blood movement in the body.

How to perform:

  • Sit comfortably in Vajrasana. Your hands to be on your knees.
  • Breathe normally and relax.
  • Exhale forcefully through nostrils by making hissing sound.
  • Continue the process until you have breathed out all the air.
  • In this pose, use your chest do not contract or blow up your abdomen.
  • Repeat for 10 mins.

10.  Bhramari Pranayama-

This Pranayama helps to remove stress and anxiety and make you feel good. Bhramari Yoga Pose creates vibrations in your body which creates a positive attitude and positive flow in the body.

How to perform:

  • Sit in a comfortable position with your legs folded.
  • Close your eyes and ears with the help of your fingers.
  • Make a humming noise.
  • You should not be able to hear sound from outside.
  • Just your own humming sound.
  • Perform the exercise for 11-12 times.


11.  Rubbing Nails-

This yoga pose helps to strengthen the nerves of your fingernails, which happens to be connected by the scalp. Rubbing nails helps to stimulate blood flow and promote hair growth.

How to perform:

  •        Fold your fingers of both your hand.
  •        Rub the surface of your nails vigorously.
  •        Don’t include thumb in the process.
  •        Make sure you rub the same fingernails together.

Tips to Delay Premature Greying

  • Oiling- Oil your hair once a week, it helps to make your hair soft and smooth and also keep away the white hair.
  • Homemade Hair Masks- Homemade hair masks including Amla, Sesame seeds, Coconut oil etc. helps to keep your hair strengthened and prevent it from greying.
  • Meditate- It is very important to meditate. Meditation helps to relieve stress and anxiety, which is the main reason for grey hair.
  • Avoid Heat- Using too much styling or heating products helps to damage the hair cuticles and also dry them out.
  • Have a Good Lifestyle- Having a healthy lifestyle is very much needed. Stay away from oily and junk foods.
  • Use Biotin rich hair products- Biotin is a natural ingredient that helps to maintain the black colour of your hair. Biotin rich hair products help to get rid of white hair.

So, above are some of the ways through which you can take care of your premature greying of hair and prevent it from happening. The main reason for the deteriorating quality of your hair is stress, so always stay stress-free and happy.

How do you take care of grey hair?

Arpita Dubey

I am Arpita Dubey. I have done my MBA in marketing and international business. Later, I always wanted to try something of my own, where I have the flexibility to work and also the work interests me. That is when I started writing Content, I like to research and write content which is helpful for readers and also engages them. A mommy of a daughter, I took up the content writing as my full time job and I am loving it.

Published by
Arpita Dubey

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