10 Benefits Of Facial Steaming for Acne: How To Do Step By Step

Benefits of facial steaming for acne

Well, who doesn’t love clean and clear skin? The quest to have clean and acne-free skin means trying various skincare regimes and having a proper skincare routine. One of the ways to remove acne via home remedy is facial steaming. Yes, facial steaming is a very effective method to get rid of acne. It is considered one of the game-changers in the battle against acne. Facial steaming is one potential way to get rid of acne-prone skin quickly. So, let’s understand more about the other benefits of facial steaming has and the steps to take to do it.

Acne is a very common skin issue that bothers people of all ages. It causes frustration and lowers the self-esteem. Using skin care products for acne becomes heavy on the pocket. DIY home remedies help to make your skin healthy, but it takes time to remove acne.


What Is Facial Steaming?

Facial steaming is a skincare practice that involves giving warm and moist air to your face to enjoy a lot of benefits. The whole process of steaming is actually very relaxing and calming.

Let’s understand the benefits and steps to performing facial steaming.

Benefits of Facial Steaming

5 Benefits Of Facial Steaming
  • Blackhead removal-

There are many ways to remove blackheads, but steaming your skin is trial and error. Steam helps to soften the skin and loosen oil buildup in the pores.

  • Detoxification-

Facial steaming helps to remove toxins from the face. Sweat can bring a lot of impurities to your face. Steam helps to remove all those impurities and toxins and keep your skin healthy.

  • Improved Blood circulation

The steam heat dilates the blood vessels of the skin, hence improving blood circulation. The enhanced blood circulation provides more oxygen and nutrients to the skin.

  • Relaxation-

Apart from the removal of acne and blackheads, the facial steaming process also helps to provide relaxation to the skin. The warm steam reduces stress and gives a spa-like sensation.

  • Acne Management-

Steaming is helpful in different ways to different individuals. Acne is caused when the skin pores get blocked; giving your face steam helps to unblock these pores. Steam opens up the pores and makes product penetration easy.

  • Hydration-

Steam helps to hydrate and moisturize the skin. It helps to replenish moisture and restore healthy skin.

  • Boosts Collagen Development

After the steaming process, the face gets lots of blood, and along with the circulation of blood, it also receives nutrients and oxygen. This helps boost collagen production and also increases skin elasticity.

How to perform Facial Steaming

After understanding the benefits of facial steaming, let’s understand its process. Facial steaming can be done in three ways.

1. Face Steaming With Bowl Method

  • Place a big bowl on a table.
  • Adjust your chair according to the bowl.
  • Fill the bowl with hot water.
  • Tie your hair up with a rubber band.
  • Use a mild cleanser on your face for gentle exfoliation.
  • Take a big towel and put it on your neck.
  • Cover your face with the towel.
  • Put your face above the steam.
  • Keep the distance as much as you like.
  • You can add some essential oils and herbs to the water.
  • Give steam to your face for 10 minutes.

2. Face Steaming With Steamer

Facial steamers are also available on the market.

  • Buy a facial steamer. Read the instructions properly.
  • Fill the steamer with water and switch it on.
  • Secure your hair with a rubber band.
  • Place your face on the top of the steamer.
  • Take steam for 2–3 minutes.

3. Face Steaming with a Hot Towel:

If you do not like taking steam directly to your face, then you can try using the hot towel method.

  • Clean your face with a mild cleanser.
  • Take a fluffy and clean towel.
  • Soak the towel in hot water.
  • Sit on a chair and lean back.
  • Place the hot towel on your face
  • Cover the hot towel with a dry towel to restrict the passage of steam.
  • Keep the towel on for 10 minutes.

Disadvantages Or Side Effects of Facial Steaming

We have seen the advantages of facial steaming and how to perform it. But every process has both advantages and disadvantages. Now, let’s focus on the disadvantages of facial steaming:

  • Skin Sensitivity-

Excessive and prolonged exposure to steam can lead to skin sensitivity and redness. If you have skin conditions like eczema, then you should avoid the facial steaming.

  • Burns-

This is very obvious and can happen very easily. If the water is too hot or if you get too close to steam, then the chances of skin burning increase.

  • Dehydration-

Excess of everything is bad. Similarly, if you take too much steam on your face, it can lead to dehydration. Your skin’s natural oil will get depleted, leading to dryness.

  • Eye Irritation-

Many times, steam causes irritation in the eyes. Therefore, make sure your eyes are closed while taking steam.

  • Overuse-

Do not overuse the steam. Overuse of steam can cause negative consequences.

Bonus Tips for Benefits Of Facial Steaming

  • Keep yourself hydrated before steaming your face.
  • Cleanse your face properly with a mild cleanser.
  • While steaming your face, keep your eyes closed.
  • Keep your face 6–10 inches away.
  • After you have steamed your face, rinse your face with lukewarm water.
  • Apply a good moisturizing cream.
  • Massage your face in an upward motion.

There are numerous advantages to steaming your face. It loosens up the skin and removes all the dirt from the face. It is an effective way to remove acne and blackheads. Facial steaming removes acne-causing bacteria, helps to hydrate the skin, and also gives your skin a glow. But before you start steaming, make sure your face is clean and there’s no cut or burn, or it will irritate your skin.

Have you done facial steaming? What are your views on it?

FAQ On Benefits Of Face Steaming

1. For how long should one do facial steaming?

Facial steaming is not bad, but it is necessary that you take the steam according to your skin type.

  • Sensitive skin- Consult doctor before using steam.
  • Dry skin- Maximum for 10 minutes.
  • Oily skin- Steam for 12 minutes.
  • Normal skin- Maximum for 12 minutes

2. Which essential oils can be used for facial steaming?

Adding a few drops of herbs or essential oils helps to benefits of facial steaming. You can use the following essential oils in facial steaming:

  • Acne: Tea tree oil
  • Dry skin: Tea tree oil with jasmine and rose
  • Sensitive skin-Lavender and Geranium oil
  • Relaxation and rejuvenation: Chamomile and Lavender oils

3. When is the best time to steam?

The best time to steam depends on your flexibility. It can be either at night or during the day.

4. Is steam effective for the removal of blackheads?

Yes, steam is very effective for blackheads. It softens the skin and helps to open the pores.

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Arpita Dubey: I am Arpita Dubey. I have done my MBA in marketing and international business. Later, I always wanted to try something of my own, where I have the flexibility to work and also the work interests me. That is when I started writing Content, I like to research and write content which is helpful for readers and also engages them. A mommy of a daughter, I took up the content writing as my full time job and I am loving it.
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