10 Beetroot Benefits For Health, Skin & Hair (Nutritional Value)

Beetroot Benefits For Health

Welcome to the amazing season of the year- winter. Winter brings with it some amazing fruits and vegetables which are really beneficial for our health. One such is – Beetroot. It is a root vegetable that is loaded with nutrients and is also beetroot benefits for health, hair, and skin. They are also called blood turnips and are low in fat and sodium. Beetroot helps to support mental and emotional health.

Beetroot is a perfect vegetable for winter and boosting your immunity during this season. But do you really know all the amazing benefits of beetroot?

We have shortlisted some of the beetroot benefits for health and how you can consume it. Check out the blog-

Nutritional Value

Let’s understand the nutritional value of Beetroot, which makes it so beneficial for our health, skin, and hair.

  • Low in Fat and Calories- Beetroot may be high in sugar content, but it is low in fat and calories. It is loaded with fiber and helps to keep the weight in check.
  • Rich in Antioxidants- The red colour of the beetroot is due to the pigment called Betanin. Betanin is rich in antioxidant, which reduces the oxidation of bad cholesterol and protects the heart and artery walls.
  • Rich in Folate, Fiber- Many people don’t know but even diabetic people can consume beetroot. Beetroot is rich in Folate, Fiber, Potassium, and Manganese; it is good for health and normal tissue growth. Beet is also high in protein and iron which keeps the functioning of the digestive system smooth.

Health Benefits of Beetroot

1. Keeps Blood Pressure in Control-

Beetroot helps to keep the blood pressure in control. Nitric oxide found in beetroot acts as a vasodilator, it makes sure the blood pressure is low and you remain healthy and fit.

2. Improves Athletic Performance-

Many athletic people consume beetroot daily, the dietary nitrates in it help to improve the athletic performance. Nitrates improve the efficiency of mitochondria, which produces energy in our cells. Just remember, to consume beet juice 2-3 hours before training.

3. Fights Inflammation-

Inflammation causes many chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, liver and obesity. Beetroot contains pigments called betalains which contains anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking beetroot juice or eating beetroot raw reduces the kidney inflammation and protect the body from any serious injury.

4. Supports Brain Health-

With age, our mental and cognitive function starts to decline; this condition is called as dementia. Beetroot helps to improve the blood flow to the brain and improves the mental and cognitive function. It increases the blood flow to the brain, and supports the brain health.

5. Aids in Weight Loss-

Many of us worry about our increasing weight, especially in winters. Beetroot is rich in nutrition which helps to reduce weight. It is low in calories and high in water content. They also contain fiber and protein in moderate amounts. All these nutrients help to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

6. Helps in Constipation-

Beetroot is high in antioxidants and fiber. Eating fibrous fruit or vegetable is good to fight the constipation; it eases the bowel movement and gives relief from constipation. Beetroot provides around 2-3 grams of fiber in 100gm serving.

7. Detoxification-

The best benefit of beetroot is it helps to detoxify the body. It flushes out the harmful toxins from the body and keeps your body fit and healthy. Betalains present in the beetroot helps to purify the skin, liver, and blood. It kick-starts your metabolism and provides anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and detoxification properties.

8. Delays Premature Aging-

Beetroot is rich in Vitamin A and Carotenoids; they also contain antioxidants that fight free radicals and protect the skin from damage. Consuming beetroot daily will benefit you from inside and also delays the aging factor.

9. Promotes Liver Health-

To keep your liver healthy nutrients like calcium, iron, vitamin B, antioxidants and betaine are necessary. Beetroot is rich in all the above nutrients. They help to flush out the toxins from the liver and body and also make sure they do not enter again in the body.

10. Help Treat Anaemia-

The red colour of beetroot helps to prevent the anaemia. Beet is loaded with iron, and folic acid which helps to form the Red blood cells. RBC carries oxygen and nutrients to different body parts and make sure that it remains healthy and active. Beetroot also helps to prevent any menstrual disorders and symptoms of menopause in women.

How to choose the perfect Beetroot?

You might find many types of Beetroot in the market like Chioggia, Formanova, Golden, Lutz Green Leaf, and Detroit Dark Red. You can choose any of the above but following some rules might help you get the best from the rest.

  • Pick the beetroot which are firm and small.
  • Their leaves should be unblemished and bright.
  • The taproot must be attached.
  • You do not want to buy any hairy taproot, hairs indicate roughness and age.

Some of the Beetroot Recipes

1. Beetroot Salad-

One of the healthy ways to consume beetroot is to make beetroot salad. You can very easily make beetroot salad and consume it daily before lunch or dinner.

How to make it:

  • Take 5-6 beetroot
  • Cut it into wedges shape

For dressing you need:

  • One cup yogurt
  • 2 tsp. of cumin seeds
  • 1 crushed clove of garlic
  • Sea salt, black pepper
  • Mix all the above dressing ingredients together.
  • Mix cut beetroot and spinach with coriander
  • Add dressing over the salad
  • Your beetroot salad is ready.

2. Beetroot Smoothie-

This is the recipe for something filling. Beetroot smoothie is heavy and can fill your stomach alone. When made with apple, carrot etc. it becomes more tasty and nutritious.

How to make it:

  • Take 1 beetroot, peel it and cut it
  • 1 large apple, peeled and chopped
  • Take 1 cup of almond milk
  • 1 carrot, peeled and chopped
  • 1 ginger
  • Mix all of them and grind them
  • You can add salt and pepper according to your taste.

Fun Facts about Beetroot

  • Beetroot juice is a great source of antioxidants.
  • It is a belief in many cultures that men and women eating the same beetroot are bound to fall in love.
  • When beetroot gets harvested, its whole plant is edible.
  • Beetroot is also effective for curing dandruff in hair. Boil the beetroot in water, massage the water in your scalp every night, this will relieve you from dandruff.
  • The biggest beetroot in the world weighs over 70kgs. And it is owned by a Dutchman.

So, above are some of the great beetroot benefits for health. Beetroot is a vegetable fully loaded with nutrients like copper, potassium, magnesium, and manganese. They are very effective for curing many diseases and also are great for skin and hair. Try to include Beetroot in your daily intake.

Do you consume Beetroot daily?


1. Is the skin of beetroot edible?

Yes, the skin of baby beetroots are edible, just make sure to wash them properly before consuming.

2. Can I eat beetroot daily?

Yes, you can daily consume beetroot it is very effective and beneficial too.

3. Is beetroot good for babies?

Yes, beetroot is good for babies. The best time to introduce your little one to this amazing vegetable is when he is around 10 months old. You can start by giving 1-2 tbsp. of beetroot juice.

Arpita Dubey: I am Arpita Dubey. I have done my MBA in marketing and international business. Later, I always wanted to try something of my own, where I have the flexibility to work and also the work interests me. That is when I started writing Content, I like to research and write content which is helpful for readers and also engages them. A mommy of a daughter, I took up the content writing as my full time job and I am loving it.
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