We all know how oily and artificial glow oily skin gives us. Oily skin brings with it acne, pimple, blemishes, shiny t-zone and whatnot. Taking care of oily skin is just as oily skin does not give a refreshing feeling and makes the skin look dull and lifeless. We have brought to you 23 best fairness tips for oily skin. No, you won’t get extreme fair doing these steps, but these remedies will control your excess oil and brighten up your face.
Oily skin people keep removing oil from their face, doing it many times damages the skin cells and skin texture. It is necessary to keep the skin texture and the skin tone balanced and good. So, check out these remedies and share your experience with us in the comment section.
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Best Fairness Tips for Oily Skin
1. Cleanse Your Face-
It is very necessary to cleanse your face in order to remove oil from your face. Cleansing off the face does not mean rubbing it hard, just take an oil-clear face wash and use it. Wash your face with lukewarm water followed by cold water in order to close the pores. Coldwater tones your skin and also slows down the ageing process.
2. Keep Yourself Hydrate-
Water is the best way to flush out the toxins from the body. Oily skin people think that they do not need water, but keeping your body well hydrated is necessary for both dry skin and oily skin people. Water helps to brighten up the face and also make it radiant and glowing.
3. Exfoliate with Sea Salt-
Exfoliation of the skin is very necessary to remove dead skin cells and also to keep your skin nourished. Pampering your skin with sea salt helps to keep the oily skin refreshed. Sea salt is rich in many minerals and nutrients, which are beneficial for the skin.
If you’re too busy or lazy to exfoliate, your best bet is to use an exfoliator that’s quick and easy to use, like this sea moss exfoliator by cocokind. It takes less than a minute to use and doesn’t require any beauty tools for application, perfect for anyone who wants to pamper their skin but doesn’t have the time to.
4. Get Enough Sleep-
Many of us don’t think that sleep is necessary for our skin. When we sleep our body including our skin goes into repair mode. It generates new cells and increases blood circulation to the skin surface.
5. Exercise-
You can never escape from exercise. Exercise helps to keep you healthy and is also very beneficial for skin and hair. When you work out, the clogged pores get to open up giving you clean and clear skin. Exercise also helps to improve blood circulation and enhances your skin tone.
6. Say NO to Stress-
Stress is the biggest enemy of your skin. When you are stressed out, your body releases cortisol called a stress hormone. This hormone is responsible for premature ageing. It also breaks down the collagen. So to remove stress, try yoga and meditation.
7. Moisturize your Skin-
Oily skin people tend to skip moisturizers, thinking their skin does not need them. But even oily skin needs moisturization. The moisture acts as a barrier between the skin and the outer environment. It helps to control the production of sebum and makes skin soft and smooth.
8. Consume Healthy Food-
What you eat directly affects the texture of your skin. Consuming wholesome foods which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants helps to provide a glow at the end of the day. Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids are- fish, tuna, salmon halibut and mackerel.
9. Be Gentle on your Skin-
Washing oily skin, again and again, will damage the skin cells. Never rub your skin harshly while washing your face, also over-exfoliation of skin will wear out the skin cells. Always be gentle on your skin. Use a good face cleanser, and to remove oil from the skin you can use blotting paper.
10. Use Cold water to wash face-
Washing your face with cold water helps to minimize the pore size. It closes the pores and does not let dirt and dust to enter the skin. Oily skin people should wash their face at least 7-8 times a day to keep oil away from their skin.
Home Remedy for Oily Skin
11. Walnut and Sugar scrub-
Walnuts are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and anti-inflammatory properties. They help to boost the skin’s vitamin –B level, which is responsible for improving skin’s health. This scrub helps to remove the fine line and wrinkles from the face and keep it healthy and toned.
Face Mask:
- Take 3-4 walnuts kernels
- Crush them and add 1 tbsp. of olive oil and sugar
- Mix them properly; your face scrub is ready
- Gently massage the scrub on your face with finger tips
- Wash it off with cold water after 10-15 minutes.
12. Cashew and Turmeric Homemade Fairness Pack-
If you are thinking that wow even we make face pack from Cashew? Believe me; I had the same reaction when I first used it. But Cashews are good in controlling the excess oil production and cleansing of the skin. Turmeric is rich in antibacterial and antiseptic properties, it helps to lighten the skin complexion and keep it clean and clear.
Face Mask:
- Take 1 tbsp. of cashew powder
- Add a pinch of turmeric
- Add 1 tsp. of fresh cream
- Mix all the ingredients to make a consistent paste
- Apply it on your skin and let it dry
- Wash off the cashew face pack with cold water.
13. Oily Skin fairness tips with Glycerine-
You might be thinking about what glycerine is doing in oily skin fairness tips. Well, glycerine is great for the skin. It acts as a humectant and keeps skin hydrated and moisturized. It helps to increase the skin’s hydration, refreshes the skin surface and also makes it soft and smooth.
Face Pack:
- Take a bottle of glycerine
- Add 1 tsp. of cold milk in it
- Also, add few drops of lemon juice
- Mix all the three ingredients in a bowl
- Store the mixture in a clean bottle
- You can use the solution every day.
14. Tomato Face Pack and Gram Flour Face Pack-
Gram flour is a perfect way to absorb excess oil from the face. It helps to brighten and lighten up the skin and also helps to reduce any kind of pimple and acne. Tomato is rich in enzymes that help to reduce the risk of sunburns, fights cellular damage, prevents premature ageing and also stimulates collagen production.
Face Pack:
- Take 1tbsp. of gram flour
- Add 1 tsp. of tomato juice
- 1 tbsp. of fresh curd and 3-4 drops of lemon
- Mix the ingredients to form a consistent paste
- Apply the paste on your face and let it dry
- Wash off the dried face pack with lukewarm water.
15. Rice Flour and Tea Face Pack-
Rice flour is a great ingredient when it comes to exfoliating skin. It helps to absorb the oil and keep the oil away from oily skin giving them clean and soft skin. Tea is rich in antioxidants which keep the skin free from infection, pimples and breakouts.
Face Pack:
- Take 1 tbsp. of rice flour
- A bag of black tea
- Put the black tea in warm water and let it brew for 3-5 minutes
- Add rice flour and honey in it to make a paste
- Apply the paste on your face and let it dry
- Wash the dried face pack with lukewarm water.
16. Cucumber and Salt Water Pack-
One of the best fairness masks for oily skin. Saltwater helps to remove the oil from the face and cucumber helps to hydrate the skin and acts as a natural astringent. This face pack will make your skin look fresh and rejuvenated.
Face Pack:
- Take ½ cucumber and grate it
- Add 1tsp. of salt in it to make a smooth paste
- Apply the paste on your skin and massage gently with your finger tips
- After 10-15 minutes, wash off the paste with cold water.
17. Apple and Lemon Juice Face Pack-
A great face pack for gentle exfoliation of oily skin. Apple is rich in vitamin C which helps to restore the collagen in the skin and gives it a plump look. Collagen helps to prevent premature ageing, reduces wrinkles and fine lines. Lemon helps in the exfoliation of the skin. It lightens the skin, reduces blemishes and helps to make skin soft and smooth.
Face Pack:
- Take 1 tbsp. of grated apple
- Add 1 tsp. of lemon juice in it
- And add 1 tsp. of yogurt
- Mix all the ingredients to make a thick paste
- Apply the paste on your face
- Let the paste dry and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
18. Turmeric and Saffron Face Pack-
How amazing this face pack sounds. We all know saffron is very beneficial for skin and health. Its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities help to prevent skin breakout and also treats acne. Turmeric keeps the skin clear and yoghurt nourishes and hydrates the skin.
Face Mask:
- Take 10-12 strands of saffron
- Soak the saffron in yogurt overnight
- Add 1 tbsp. of gram flour and a pinch of turmeric in it
- Make sure you get a consistent paste
- Apply it on your skin and let it air dry
- Wash off the dried face pack with lukewarm water.
19. Apple Cider Vinegar and Cucumber-
ACV is a great ingredient when it comes to controlling the oil from the face and also balancing the pH value of the skin. It helps to kill the bacteria from the skin and keep it clean and clear. Cucumber rich in water content helps to hydrate the skin.
Face Mask:
- Take ¼ cup of ACV
- Add ¾ cup water in it to make it diluted
- Take 4-5 cucumber slices
- Store ACV solution in a jar, add cucumber slices in it
- Spritz the solution on your face 3-4 times a day.
20. Strawberry and Yogurt for Fairness Face Masks-
Just as yummy as this face pack sounds; it is very beneficial for our skin. Strawberry helps to protect our skin from UV rays, improves our skin tone and also makes it soften and smoothen. Yoghurt loaded with lactic acid helps to nourish, moisturize and smoothens the skin. It helps to remove the acne and pimples and keeps the skin fresh.
Face Mask:
- Take 2-3 mashed strawberries
- Add 2 tsp. of yogurt
- And 2 tsp. of honey
- Mix the ingredients properly and make a face pack
- Apply the face pack on your skin and let it dry
- Wash the dried face pack with lukewarm water.
21. Egg White Face Mask-
A mask which helps to minimize the pores and also tones the skin. Egg white face mask is the best face mask for oily skin. It helps to shrink the pore size and gives skin an even look. Egg white tightens the skin and gives you younger-looking skin.
Face Mask:
- Take 1 large egg
- Separate the egg yolk from egg white
- Whisk the egg properly
- Add few drops of lemon in it
- Mix the ingredients properly
- Apply the mask on your face properly
- Once it is dried, wash off the face mask with lukewarm water.
22. Orange Juice and Turmeric-
You all know how effective and beneficial orange juice is for both our health and our skin. Oranges are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, it helps to keep the skin healthy and also help in improving the skin texture. Turmeric on the other hand with its antibacterial properties keeps the germs and bacteria away from the skin.
Face Pack:
- Take 1 tbsp. of orange juice
- Add a pinch of turmeric in it
- Blend the ingredients together to make a paste
- Apply the paste on your face and neck
- Let the paste dry
- Wash off the paste with cold water.
23. Sandalwood Face Pack for Skin Lightening-
Sandalwood powder or Chandan powder is the best home remedy when it comes to controlling the oil. It is a skin lightening agent, which helps to lighten acne, blemishes and marks. A perfect mask to prevent skin breakout and brighten up the skin. Best Fairness Tips for Oily Skin.
Face Pack:
- Take 1 tbsp. of Gram flour
- 1 tsp. of Sandalwood powder
- Mix them and make a paste with the help of rose water
- Apply it on your face and let it dry
- Wash off the dried face pack with lukewarm water.
So, above are some home remedies that help to remove oil from your face, prevents premature ageing and also helps in tan removal. Oily skin needs extra care and pamper. This type of skin is prone to whiteheads, blackheads, pimples and acne. Keep up with the above routine of your skin and give your oily skin a fresh and rejuvenated feeling.
How do you take care of your oily skin?