10 Beauty tips for women over 40

We all have seen celebrities even in their 40’s and 50’s age gracefully. And they inspire us a lot. No women like to look old and aged. Just like other women you also must have dreamt of having good and flawless skin. Well, you can have that just by changing your routine a little bit. Every age group requires a different type of routine and also different beauty tips. Well, we have brought to you some amazing beauty tips for women over 40.

Being 40 and having a young skin is not a big deal, with the right blend of cosmetics and proper skincare routine you can make your skin look youthful and beautiful.

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10 Beauty Tips for Women over 40

1. Exfoliate-

Having dead skin cells on your face restrict the glow of your face and also make it look aged. Exfoliation of skin is necessary to get rid of dead skin cells and to make skin soft and smooth. Chose a scrub according to your skin type and never scrub the skin vigorously.

If you have dry skin, chose a cream-based scrub, which will not only cleanse your skin but also moisturize it. If you have oily skin, a gel-scrub will be good to control the oil secretion of the skin.

2. Never skip Moisturizer-

As you grow old, your skin needs more moisturization. The natural oil of the skin tends to get weaken and become less active. No matter, your skin type moisturization is necessary. It helps to keep your skin hydrated and moisturized. A light oil-based moisturizer will help to keep your skin soft and supple.

3. Face Mask once a Week-

Using face mask one a week helps to restore the elasticity of your skin and keep it plumpy. Face mask helps to hydrate and moisturize the skin, it is organic and does not contain any chemical. You can try using following mask-

  • Take one spoiled banana
  • Peel off the banana and grind it along with some of the banana skin
  • Add 1 tbsp. of Aloe vera gel and few drops of castor oil
  • Mix it properly and apply the banana paste on your skin.
  • Massage the mask for 5 minutes and keep it for 15 minutes.

4. Take care of your Eyes-

The skin around your eye is the first, which makes you feel aged and older. Fine lines and wrinkles around the eye skin make you feel aged. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of your eyes after age 40. Use under eye cream or gel which will nourish your skin and will get rid of fine lines and wrinkles.

5. Avoid the Sun-

The harmful UV rays of the sun, take away all the charm of your skin. It damages the skin cells and gives you a dull-looking skin. Therefore, whenever you want to step out in the sun, it is good to apply sunscreen to avoid the harm done by UV rays.

6. Get rid of Dark Spots-

Dark spots, pigmentation, acne, blemishes and patchy skin are all the signs of ageing. They tell your skin is looking certain nutrients and also damages your skin from inside. To get rid of dark spots- you can either use good home remedies or a dark spot corrector rich in Vitamin C.

Home remedy for Dark Spots:

  • Take one tomato and cut in half
  • Apply little bit of sugar on the tomato
  • Use the tomato on your skin in circular direction
  • Let it stay for 5-10 mins.
  • Wash off the face with normal water.

7. Eat Healthy-

Well, nothing can replace the benefit of eating healthy. When you eat healthy and have a well-balanced diet like eating fresh vegetables, fruits and juices. You fill your body with essential nutrients like vitamin C, proteins and fatty acids. All these nutrients help to keep your skin healthy and glowing from inside.

8. Time to use Night Cream-

We always have this misconception that only women with ageing signs uses night cream. Well, using night cream gives your skin a different type of boost. It repairs the skin while you are asleep and keep it hydrated and plumpy.

Cleanse your skin with a gentle cleanser, use a toner to get rid of any traces of makeup and apply a night cream. So that you wake up with a softer skin and glowing complexion.

9. Be Happy and Stay Fit-

Until and unless you are fit and healthy, you won’t feel good and if you don’t feel good your skin will reflect it. Staying happy and fit is one of the most important mantras for all age groups. Go for a walk in the park, appreciate the nature, meditate and do some yoga to relax and let go of any anxiety. This will help to keep you fit and healthy from inside giving you an amazing glow in the skin.

10. Take care of your Posture-

You won’t believe but many women start bending as they age, which affects their beauty. Take good care of your posture, always sit straight, walk straight with your shoulders intact and head straight. If you start bending your shoulder, it will take a deep impact and will also affect your beauty.

So, above are some 10 beauty tips for women over 40. Getting old is beyond our control, but getting old gracefully is something we can do. Always stay active, and follow the above rules to have a good and flawless skin.

Do you have any beauty tips?

Arpita Dubey: I am Arpita Dubey. I have done my MBA in marketing and international business. Later, I always wanted to try something of my own, where I have the flexibility to work and also the work interests me. That is when I started writing Content, I like to research and write content which is helpful for readers and also engages them. A mommy of a daughter, I took up the content writing as my full time job and I am loving it.
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