Oh No! Again that time of the month where you don’t know why you are getting angry, sad, or feel like crying. Yes, the period cycle is very frustrating with mood swings, bloating, and cramping. But if you have an irregular period, it adds up to the frustration level. The best way to deal with it is to perform yoga poses for irregular periods. An irregular period is very common these days, but dealing with the period of pain for four days is not necessary.
So, Trabeauli has brought to you some of the Yoga Poses for Irregular Period which will help you to deal with the irregular periods and also relieve you from menstrual cramping. Check out the blog-
Usually a menstrual cycle is 28 days longs. The most it can range from 21- 38 days. Sometimes, due to hormonal changes your may have your period in over 35 days too. But this is fine for one or two months. If you face the irregularity of the period every month, you need to pay attention to it.
Let’s understand the causes of Irregular Period.
This is the best pose to stretch up the whole body. Famously known as Downward Facing Dog Pose. It is also one of the poses in the sun salutation. It helps to tone your core, strengthen your bones, and also improve the blood flow to the brain. Adho Mukha Svanasana improves your body posture and strengthens your arms.
How to perform:
Also known as camel pose, it is a great exercise to relieve you from irregular periods and menstrual pain. This pose strengthens the back and shoulder and helps to open up the chest. Camel pose is also famous to improve posture and increase flexibility.
How to perform:
With the name, we can understand that it is also called Bow Pose. This pose is very effective to cure delayed periods and PCOS. It helps in the proper functioning of the reproductive organs and also relieves constipation and other stomach disorder. Bothered about belly fat? Don’t worry this pose is effective even in reducing belly fat.
How to perform:
Also known as Fish Pose, this asana is considered modern yoga. It helps to relieve the tension from the neck and shoulder, strengthens your upper back, and also tones your abdominals and front of your neck.
How to perform:
We all know this pose as Butterfly poses or Throne poses. This asana helps to improve the flexibility of the inner thighs. It makes the body more flexible around the hips and groins. The pose is very effective to soothe menstrual discomfort and any digestion discomfort.
How to perform:
This wide-angled seated forward bend is a modern yoga which helps to strengthen your back, legs and also improve your posture. The pose helps to maintain a neutral spine; it gives intense stretch which promotes comfort and ease in our body. Doing this yoga, you will also feel a reduction in your stubborn belly.
How to perform:
This asana is to be performed when you are on a period that is the time it is most effective. It is one of the great poses for beginners. Bridge pose helps to strengthen your back, legs, and hips. It massages the spine and opens the heart. After this pose, you will feel revitalized and energized.
How to perform:
This is a simple pose and can be performed at any time of the day. Also called Thunderbolt pose, it is very beneficial to cure the digestion problem, strengthen the pelvic region, and also relieve irregular periods. The best time to sit in this position is after eating food.
How to perform:
One of the best poses to get relief from menstrual pain and also to delay aging symptoms. Also known as Inverted Lake Pose, this pose helps to regulate the blood circulation and also relaxes tired feet and legs. It relieves mild backache and calms the mind.
How to perform:
Ardha means Half, Pincha means Feathers, Mayura means Peacock and Asana means Pose. If you look at the pose, you will see it as an inverted ‘V’. Also known as Dolphin Pose, this asana helps to calm the mind and brain and relieves stress. It strengthens the arms and legs and relieves any menstrual discomfort.
How to perform:
When it comes to curing anything in the body, Yoga is very effective. Even to cure the irregular periods, menstrual cramps and pain yoga is effective. Here’s how the Yoga works-
So, above are some of the Yoga Poses for Irregular Period and PCOD. During this time of the month, avoid asanas like Sarvangasana, Dhanurasana, Shirshasana and Bakasana. If you feel like, you are facing problems in any of the poses, you can talk to a yoga instructor too.
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